[Youtube] Terroriser

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Y/N- your name
Yt/C- YouTube channel
Bf/N- ex's name/random name
Aight let's get started.
Your POV

You sighed heavily as you looked back up at the camera. You were explaining why you've been gone from the internet for the past 2 months.

"He..." you bit your lip trying to find the words.

You and, your now ex boyfriend, bf/n broke up. He was a stick in your channel and videos, so everyone would understand.

The reason you two broke up was because one night he came home stumbling and hickeys on his neck.

"He wasn't even showing signs, but I guess if you play the game right, it doesn't matter."

He never got drunk when you were around, and he never showed signs of hiding you, or anything with cheating.

Just as you were about to start again, you heard shouting from the floor above.

You sighed and got up to say something.

This went on for many nights, and just now you decided to stick up.

You closed your apartment door and jogged up the stairs to the next floor.

You knocked on the door annoyed and waited for a response. You heard shuffling inside, and you stood your ground, waiting for the person.

You had all your ideas in your head as the door opened, you lost them as you looked up at the man.

"Hello? Can I help you?" He had a soft but slightly deep accented voice that made you blush. His dark hair looked gelled and swooped to the side. He had a black t-shirt with a red designed T, with gym shorts.

He coughed to catch your attention again, and when you looked at his face, he had a smirk with an eyebrow raised.

"Do you actually need something or are you checking me out?" His thick accent gave an Irish feel to it and you blushed harder at the comment.

"I- uhm- well- uhh..." you stuttered. You cleared your throat and looked down, continuing. "I-I was trying to do something a-and you were kinda being to loud.."

"O-Oh I'm so sorry! Please, anytime I'm being too loud just come and tell me but I am so sorry! I'll try and keep it down from now on." He apologized. "How long has this been going on?"

"I-I don't know but sometimes it does interfere with me sleeping.." you swayed side to side as you were kinda nervous.

The man apologized once again. "I'm sorry, my friends are dicks and like to record late and make me upset. "

"Understandable. What's your name by the way?" You finally looked up at the Irishman.

"Brian," he said with a smile. "And you?"

"Y/N." You mumbled.

He slightly intimidated you, as he is taller than you, but he impressed you more.

"Well, I have to get back to my friends, if you don't mind. Hopefully we can talk again, and not because I'm being a loud mouth. Sorry about the inconvenience, Y/N." Brian smiled.

You smiled in return and nodded. "Hopefully so. Have a good day Brian. "

"You too, Y/N." He then shut the door as you walked back to your apartment.

You sat back down, and with your mind at ease, you began to fully tell the camera what happened between you and bf/n.

[time skip- 2 months]

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