[Vape King] Kryoz x reader

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[Requested by Maureen_78 ]

I smiled as I joined in the call with the boys.

"What's up faggots?" I smirked.

"Woah-" a chorus of people shouted.

"You can't say that!" Smii7y yelled.

I shrugged as the bickering went on, clicking on the skribble.io link in chat.

I made my character and joined the lobby, looking at the rest of the people there.

The two Irishmen, Nogla and Brian, were arguing on who's character looked cooler.

Evan and Smii7y's characters conveyed the same emotion with different characters, but I didn't want to question it.

Then there was the vape king himself.

His character looked drugged out of his mind.

I smiled and waited for the game to start.

"Alright! Everyone ready?" The Canadian owl rejoiced.

"I mean, we need the money-" Brian joked.

"Brian it helps if you have more subscribers. " I joked back.

"Talk to your boyfriend then!" Brian was mentioning to John.

He knew I liked John, but told me he would joke about it, saying there's evidence.

I tensed and stayed quiet until the game actually started.

[time skip]

I sat there as Brian chose a word.

"Uh...I wouldn't be surprised if y/n got this." He said before starting to draw.

"It looks like a table-" Smii7y commented.

I tensed up and typed "date".

[Y/g/t got the word!]

I sat back and smiled.

"Wait what?" Evan questioned.

I giggled, thinking back to when I was telling Brian about this.


I messed with my hair as I was talking to Brian. He noticed how aggressive I was recently and asked to talk to me separately.

"Just- arg!" I laid my head on my desk.

"It's alright. I'm here for you. Take your time." He calmed me down.

I picked my head back up and looked at the man in discord.

"P...Promise not to say anything?" I anxiously asked.

He nodded and I could see he was focused on something else.

"I...I like John." I looked down.

There was silence on the other end. I looked up and saw he had his mouth covered and his eyes were wide.

"I-...I saw this happening but like- oh my god." A smile formed on his face. "Dude! That's fuckin' adorable!"

My face flushed red. "Don't say shit! Or next time we see each other I'm beating your ass!"

He laughed and put his hands up in surrender. "I won't, I won't!"


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