Chapter One Kicked Out

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"Hey I'm Jenna and I have a sever attention disorder" I said in the addition centre . I'm in a room  fourteen other people sitting on our chairs in a circle.
"Very good Jenna, now explain to us what your disorder is" The Leader named Kenton a Forty year old man who talks to us people with disorders to 'fix us'
"this is stupid" I scoffed while I stood up from my chair
"look my disorder isn't a disorder it's my fucking feelings ok! For crying out loud people you do not have a disorder you just have completed feelings because your life is a mess!" I screeched out while punching a wall and stormed out of the room. Slamming the door behind me, I ran out of the building only to run into a handsome twenty years old guy with beautiful gelled back hair soft baby blue bell eyes. And his body form was so hilly shit is he a gang leader or what?

"sorry" bowing my head in apologies I step away from him and let him walk by, but he just stood there and smiled at me.
"Jenna right?" he asked with his husky voice making sparks fly into my skin.
"yes, and you are?" I asked with a slight head tilt looking him up and down to see if I ever seen a handsome man like him before. If I had I think I'd at least remember.
"I'm Jordan, your mom's boyfriend  she told me a lot about you" he says with his shining white teeth smile at the mention of my slut of a mother.
"ohh.. well just know whatever she did isn't my problem she just isn't into you"
"huh? Oh no, no I'm not her ex don't worry about that. I thought your mom would tell you about us" he said with a grin scratching his cheek with his finger.
"Look I don't care who my mom fools around with, and she doesn't care about my opinions. Just consider me not alive or her daughter good day sir" I say with a glare and walked off. It's a shame that he is going out with my mom he is being played so hard. My mom goes off and dates a lot of men for about less then a week just for fun (pleasure) when she is bored. Sometimes her exes would come complain to me about my mother and would try to use violence on me. It got do bad that one of her perverse exes tried to rape me, luckily I made it out with my virginity but I wouldn't say the same for my first kiss. I tried to talk to mom about it but she just called me her man stealer and a hoar. Mom drunks a lot so I'm not really close to her, and when she is actually sober she is so busy with work when she comes home late at night she barley remembers I exist and always makes me provide food for myself. I got a job of my own and im the one who stocks the fridge with food, while mom thinks she was the one who bought it and it's food that I spent with my hard working cash. I learned the hard way not to let it bug me cuz even if I did confront her if she wasn't drunk she would still call me an Un grateful child. In away I'm glad mom now has a boyfriend who seems kind of sweet but in a way I'm jalousie  that mom found I guy that would steal all her attention and love and I would be completely forgotten as her daughter and kicked out from my home. Now that I didn't want to happen how am I supposed to afford a new home? Non the less I still love my mother even of she is a complete ass to me who doesn't seem to love me at least 'I Still Do'
Walking away from this hot as fuck Jordan guy I went into my shabby old truck I saved up for on my sixteen birthday after I got my license and never told mom about. She wouldn't care anyway, probably tell me to sell it or something. But I like this truck it gets me to places I need to be, and to my calming hideout from the world and it's torture of people who get attention and me in the shadows. Whenever I see I homeless person it's usual in groups who laugh and talk to each other about there good old day before they became homeless, or they'd have there own family with them sitting in the streets in there tattered close still somehow having a smile on there faces. Yes I admit I'm jalousie but does that make me any less then who I am? Hell no it doesn't.
 Driving my truck to my calming place by the lake I step out covering myself with my black jacket and walked closer to the lake watching how it calmly flows together with the other layers of water. Water is never really alone but in from its split into two, when the two from make its way together it causes a current of trouble for us humans but love and complete for the water. I guess the reason the way I am is because I am completely and utterly lonely. My real father the spurmanater left me because he committed a crime against the law and went to jail. I don't really know what happened to him after that and I don't give a fuck. He cheated on my mom and was and still is the soul perpous  of why my mom is such a slut. I don't want to ever see that man again I hope he rots in prison, better yet in fucking jail.
Striming my fingers through my long blue curls and sighed. The steam if warm air battling with the cold outside world. Its nearly autumn already the leaves are starting to fall off the trees and turned into an orange colour.
After my long day standing in front of the river debating if I should jump or not I'll went back into my car and drove off back into the hell hole I call home

 Parking my truck at the side curb of my home, worry takes over me. My mom is never home this early but now she is and a car I don't reginignize is in front of our house. Usually when she brings her fuck buddy's over they park in the back Ally and only ever come at night. But this is different it's the middle of the afternoon and a car a black mini van to me precise is in front of my home. Who the hell could it be? Or is it that Jordan guy who is picking a fight with my mom because she decided to break up with him? Rushing into the house I was timid of turning the door knob but I willed myself to do it. Quietly I step into the house, closed the door behind me, and walked into the living room where I seen my slut of a mother goofing off like a child with non other then Jordan. Well good for at least there is no trouble going on like I thought there would be. With a huff I relief I was about to walk the stares to walk to my room when mom said something shocking she had never said to me before.

"welcome home honey how was work?"

"it was fine" I lowered my voice just in case if she wasn't actually meaning it towards me but her new boyfriend Jordan.
"that's good honey what are doing over there? Come here I want to introduce you to my boyfriend Jordan" mom says while patting the seat beside Jordan mom is still huddled on his lap like a fucking poodle.

"no thanks, have fun" I said neveroursly not used to this new side of her and ran up states closing the door to my room. I knew I would get yelled at by what i did later when she gets drunk again, but I'd rather get yelled then have to put up with being in a room as a third wheel not knowing if I could trust not only mom but her new boyfriend as well. Not long after when I closed my door and placed my purse underneath my bed of the floor bored I flopped onto my bed, and a slight knock on my bedroom door sent me in a defensive stance.

My mom bursts open the door yelling at me, smacking me in the face making me fall over. When I fell on the floor she tackled me punches me and yelled at me. I smelled no alcohol on her voice as she says these final words to me before I black out.

I'M IN LOVE WITH MY MOTHER'S BOYFRIEND Where stories live. Discover now