Hospital Chapter Three

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Kentwood Is driving me around the city to calm me down.
“Jenna did something happen?” he asked while looking at me through the re view mirror of his black chivvy pick up truck.  Because I knew I could trust my dear friend Kentwood I sigh and then answer while pushing my bangs with my palm of my hand out of my eye’s.
“I got kicked out of my house, and apparently my mom really dose think of me as her ‘boyfriend stealer’ because once I came home the other day her boy toy was with her and just because I went into my room instead of sitting beside her boy toy like she offered I got yelled at” I said with annoyance in my voice, not at him but with my mother.

“sounds tuff” Kent says while lifting a single hand from the wheel brushing his bangs through his already messy brown hair

“Kent, do you think it’s my fault as to why my mom is such as slut? And that I’m her boyfriend stealer?” I asked in a desperate for answers tone.
“no you have done nothing wrong I do not know what that woman is thinking maybe something is messed up with her brain. And you pufft a boyfriend stealer! Please I haven’t seen you flirting with any guys sence childhood even then you still didn’t flirt. I am still amazed at how we became such good friends” Kent says with a matter of fact tone.

“Kent bear even in my next life we would be friends there is no need for amazement” saying this I seen a slight grin apear on Kents lips. Both of his hands rest on the wheel while he is facing the driver window taking odd glances at me from time to time as we talked. I love our odd conversation even if it’s about something so depressing her makes me smile with his honest words. But would there ever be a day if I wasn’t perfect in Kents eyes? That’s something I constintly worry about. Even If I trust Kent I still would never be able to tell him about my disorder and the problem with how my step dad nearly tried to kill me a week ago. ‘It’s a long story I’d rather not talk about but I’m sure the author would force me to tell you readers eventually’ and besides I can’t possibly ask if I I could stay at his place for a few days until I find a place I can live at on my own. He has stuff he has to deal with as well I’m not the only one living in this cruel world and I have to remember that.

---------~ after Kentwood dropped me off back infront of the disorder clinic I went back onto my truck and drove back to my secret haven the lack. No one knows of this place not even my best friend and I’d like to keep it that way. After all how else would this place be my haven if people decided to find it and build something on it recking the beauty of nature. Man us humans are such evil and cruel beings no wonder the world is so cruel to us!!

---Jordan Short Pov
“Hi honey I’m back” I say while entering my girlfriend Lora Hazzel house with a smerk that instantly dropped when I seen Lora on the living room floor shaking like crazy ‘omg she is having a sesure’ I diele 911 and called for help sending the location of the house ect.
I seen Lora holding a note in her hand so I read it.

Dear Jordan I’m sorry I’m not such a good mother I tucked up again. Jenna has moved out from my home and probably thinks of me as a bad mom. I don’t understand why you would love someone like me and I’m grateful but I’m afraid I’ll mess up your life like I did with Jenna. Baby please find someone mote suitable to gain the love and joy I had reseved for you. I’m sorry but it’s time for me to go...

Signed for ever gone: Lora Hazzel
I wept as I read this letter blaming everything on me.

‘Damn it if I had come earlier she would have still been alive. Is all my fault I couldn’t prevent her having a fight with her daughter I should have warned Jenna that her mom is a druggy and that whatever came out of her mouth was nonsense. I might have stopped Lora for drinking but the one thing I couldn’t have done was stop her from taking drugs and now she over dosed herself and it’s all my fault!’ no its Jenna fault and odd voice arouse in my head but I shook the thought out and aplied CPR to Lora but nothing was working. I tried slapping her face yelling “Lora WAKE UP DAMN IT, WAKE UP!” but nothing it was useless I was useless.

Finally the ambulance arrived but it was to late Lora Hazel didn’t have a pulse and she was as good as dead. They took her away and drove her to the hospital while I drove to look for Jenna. She must still be at the disorder clinic her truck was still there and if I hurry up I might just make it on time before I can’t find her.

And sure enough there she was getting out of flipping Kentwood car watching as her drove off. I stop her before she gets into her truck. “Jenna wait!” I call after her while parking my car and open/ closing my car door and with a deep huff I take the curage to say.
“Jenna y-your mom sh-she might be dead” Jenna face became paler then a ghost her pupils of her eyes were barley visible and she was non response.
“SHIT JENNA STAY WITH ME HEY JENNA!” I yelled out to her shaking her body to wake her up for her trance but she wouldn’t listen to I picked her up I’m my arms put in in the passinger seat of my car and drove off to the hospital at high speed not giving a fuck about the speed limit.
‘damn it Lora Hazel you better be alive’

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