See for Yourself

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Honestly, Natasha isn't sure whether she finds this funny or completely disastrous. She's leaning more towards both. Because only Wanda could end up doing something like this in such an adorable way.

The two women had been training together, Wanda trying to develop her powers and Natasha hoping to be more experienced when fighting against magic. Everything was going well until Wanda had been in the middle of using her powers. Then, she sneezed. She sneezed and now they share a telepathic connection. Great.

After an hour of being poked and prodded, Tony hesitantly told them that he was pretty sure this wasn't permanent. Pretty sure isn't very soothing when the two women can hear each other's thoughts.

Their connection is stronger when they're closer together and they've quickly started to learn how to control the thoughts they're letting through. But what never wavers is their empathetic bond. The two women can feel every emotion running through the other and they share the ability to feel each others pain. Thankfully for Wanda — who's stuck with a ninja-assassin that spars every day — the pain is to a (slightly) lesser degree.

They aren't really sure how to handle the whole situation but both eventually come to their own conclusion of avoiding it. This plan is soon revealed to be impossible. After all, it's a little hard to ignore the constant stream of information that is filling both of their heads.


Wanda and Steve have been listening to all the music they both missed out on together and it's annoying the hell out of Natasha. Every day, they spend an hour or so recapping all the obnoxiously cheesy music released in a certain year and genre. Today's category is 2005 country music. Natasha might kill somebody. Probably Steve — or Tony who encourages this because he delights in being a jackass.

Wanda comes bounding up to Natasha, undeterred by the annoyance coming from her side of the bond. "Tony has introduced us to a new song!"

"Lovely," Natasha says sarcastically, giving the bouncing young woman a dry look. Again, it's ignored.

"Would you like to hear it?"

"No, I most definitely would not." The look Natasha gives her is one that has sent grown men running but Wanda just smirks.

Wanda starts singing in an obviously-fake, terrible voice and the satisfaction that is flowing into Natasha's mind confirms her suspicion. She's being played. Tony walks by with a very punchable smirk, Clint close behind him.

"Wanda," she says, effectively cutting off the girl's dramatic singing, "I will sew your lips shut."

"I would like to see you try." There's a glint of playfulness in Wanda's eye that she hasn't seen in a long time. Not since Pietro.

Without warning, Natasha lunges at Wanda. She dodges the attack easily, clearly anticipating it. After all, it's easy to when you share a telepathic connection.

"I'll get you someday," Natasha threatens, unable to force enough malice into her voice. She's just glad to see Wanda smiling again. As Wanda scurries away, Natasha smiles softly.

//Sleep with one eye open// Natasha threatens through their bond. Probably because of her connection with Wanda, Natasha has the sudden urge to roll her eyes. Damn that girl.


Both women are sitting on the couch together, leaning against the arms on opposite sides. Natasha is talking with her hands exuberantly, going on and on about a book she's currently reading that Wanda has already finished. She's can feel how excited Natasha is. Wanda doesn't ever want this moment to end, enjoying the unguarded look of Natasha's face.

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