Past of Forgiveness

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Narrator: No we explore Auberon & his past.  Also exploring what lead to this story.
Auberon(8 years old): D-dad? 

Dad: you know son, someday you will be the conqueror of all the planets in this world, even more than just this world.

Auberon: Will I?

Dad: Indeed, in time this world will be yours.

Auberon: All Of Saturn?

Dad: all of it & they can't reject you.

Auberon: If they do?

Dad: You Kill them & make them an example.

Auberon: And Mother? 

Dad: You know she died giving birth to you, she would be proud of you & what you will be doing in your future.

Auberon: I will make her proud. Even in death, she smiles upon us!

Dad: She sure does.

*4 years pass*.
Auberon(12 years old): *Dancing randomly & throwing Titan moon rocks*. 

Dad: Focus Auberon! Your time to prove yourself is almost upon. 

Auberon: Like I care? I do, but not really. I laugh straight at it Eyes first. *laughs a little manically*.

Dad: Nothing to laugh at son! You said that you'd prove yourself to the elders. You are one step of becoming the new Conqueror King. 

Auberon: Why weren't you chosen?

Dad: Because I wasn't worth it. I accepted it & now you will get to prove to your grandfather, my dad that you'll do better then anyone has ever been on the throne. 

Auberon: Whatever.... *Jumps down into a crack of the ice entering a cave*. 

Dad: Auberon! You fly back up here or I'm sending down the heavy guard!

Auberon: Do whatcha want, I'm gonna be checking this cave out.

*Auberon explores around for a while*.

Baby Behemoth: *Walking on all 4's, sniffing around for food*. 

Auberon: Woah? What is that?!

Baby Behemoth: *Charges At Auberon*. 

Auberon: you're a fighter, where's your family? Cause mine is upon the surface of this underground cave. *Notices the shackles on his ankle*. did you treat like a slave?

Baby Behemoth: Yes... Your kind does this to me.

Arsenio: Yo! Brother! Get your wild animal ass back to me!

Baby Behemoth: *Runs back*.

Arsenio: Who are you?

Auberon: I'm Auberon, the soon to be The New Conqueror.

Arsenio: Ah? So you're the new one that I've been hearing all about. You know, you're father never was meant to be a Conqueror. He didn't have the critique to run it or the smarts.

Auberon: Got that right. The only thing he can do is handle combat on his own. Also, who was that?

Arsenio: It was my baby brother, his name is Behemoth. He doesn't have a clear vision yet but should be clearer in a few more days. 

Auberon: What do you do?

Arsenio: I am searching for how to control fire and someday make it my powers.

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