Letter #12

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Dear Cheating Ex-Husband,
It have been four months since I have wrote you a letter. This is a letter to let you know I don't regret what I did. I have gotten my own place and I'm living off the money that I received from the divorce. The boys are fine. Jasper turned six. And I am so happy. I am feeling good about myself again. I never felt more empowered in my life. I'm so glad I did what I did. I hope you come to visit again soon. The boys miss you. Elian is getting so big he will be one in April which is really close if you think about it. I no longer hate you Luca nor do I love you. But there will be always a place in my heart for you no matter what. You're not going to see this letter. It's more of a letter that's for me. To remember this beautiful moment. And see what I did was good. You have to love yourself before you love someone else. I still believe that. And I also believe that everything happens for a reason and I hope soon you'll see that too.
You will be Forever in my heart.
                                Love, Audrey

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