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"This way," Oli whispered to Mike, Matt, Jordan and myself. We made our way around the school building until we found the window that Oli had managed to unlock earlier today in the school locker room. The locker room was underground, kind of like a basement, so the small window was near the roof of the locker rooms, but since we were outside in was near our feet.

"Here is it," Oli said and bent down to it. He slid it open, "Perfect."

I watched as he climbed through and heard him land on the ground. Matt and Jordan went through next, and then it was my turn, but Mike grabbed my arm.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. He had been worrying about this the whole way here and it was beginning to get annoying.

"It'll be fine. We've done this a few times before and never got caught," I told him.

"Are you two coming or what?" Oli called up.

"Yeah, we are," I said and knelt on the ground. I turned around, put my legs in first and dropped to the floor, I lost my balance for a moment until I felt two arms steady me. I turned to see Oli.

"Careful, love," he said and kissed my cheek. Those were the sweet little things that he would do sometimes that made me want to continue whatever it was between us, but then of course I would remind myself that he's actually a massive jerk and I don't actually like much about him.

I turned to look back at the window just as Mike dropped to the ground. I flashed him a smile to reassure him that things would be fine. I may have been lying before when I said we did this often. We had only done it once about a year ago, so we weren't exactly professionals.

"Alright, let's trash this place," Matt said. He opened his backpack to reveal cans of spray paint. We all took a couple and got to work vandalizing the lockers.

Me, the only one in the group that actually had an artistic bone in their body, was actually spray painting pictures. I made a very amusing one of Coach McKinnon's angered face which is what I believed he would look like when he saw this mess. The others were more or less just writing curse words and various gang symbols everywhere even though none of us were in gangs. It was actually a fun night and Mike even loosened up a little; just a little though. I could tell he was still paranoid the way he was jumping at every sound.

"What if the police show up?" Mike asked from next to me, quiet enough so the others couldn't hear.

"Then we run," I said simply. He didn't ask again after that.

"Hey, I picked the lock to McKinnon's office," Jordan said from the exit of the locker rooms with a smile on his face.

"Brilliant," Oli said with a chuckle. These boys really took their revenge seriously, so that's why when we crossed the hall and went into McKinnon's office, we went about decorating his walls with graffiti and tearing up all of his papers, while stealing a few future exams. Part of me felt bad. I actually kind of like Coach McKinnon when he's not being a cranky asshole in gym class, but then again I liked being destructive more.

"Do you guys hear that?" Mike asked. A collective sigh was heard from the four of us.

"Stop being so paranoid," I told him.

"No I'm serious, listen," Mike said. I rolled my eyes but we all stopped what we were doing anyway, and that's when we heard the sound of shoes hitting the hallway floors. There was more than one person too. I quickly went to the door, opened it and looked out into the hallway. I couldn't see anyone, but what I could see was flashing red and blue lights coming from outside. The walking was getting closer to us too. I turned back to the others.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now