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I was sitting on a chair outside the principal's office. My parents, along with Vic and coach McKinnon, were in there right now discussing what they were going to do with me. I had already gotten a long lecture from Holland about how what I did was wrong and blah blah fucking blah. I was well aware of what I did and the consequences I was going to face but I simply didn't care if I got in trouble. It's not like my parents would give a fuck anyway. The lecture didn't help my anger go down either. It just boiled away in silence.

The door opened and I didn't bother looking up. I heard it close again. I saw the familiar gym clothes of Coach McKinnon flash by my eyes as he walked past and out of the administration area. Next I saw Vic knelt down in front of me, his eyes level with mine. I scanned the area and noted that there was no one around. My parents were still in with Holland.

"Kellin, what did you do that for?" he asked in a soft tone. He seemed disappointed. I didn't reply to him. He took my hand in his and ran his thumb over my knuckles lightly.

"I know you have every right to be angry at me, but I really am sorry for jumping to the wrong conclusion about Alex," he said. I looked into his eyes. He seemed sincere enough. I didn't have much time to process the apology though because the door opened. Vic quickly let go of my hand and stood away from me.

"Kellin, into my office," Principal Holland said. I got up, not looking at Vic again and went into the office. Vic didn't follow, but instead Holland closed the door so it was just the four of us. I looked over and my mom and stepdad's annoyed expressions.

"Take a seat," Holland said, so I sat in the chair next to my mom. He went over to his chair and sat down.

"After lengthy discussion, and a lot of convincing from Mr. Fuentes, Coach McKinnon has decided not to take any legal action on the matter. Mr. Fuentes also told us that you apparently had a very heated discussion in your session that made you angry and he tried to take the blame for it," he explained. That shocked me a bit. I wonder what he told them.

"Heated discussion?" I questioned.

"Yes. He said he tried to make you talk about your problems but you refused and it got you angry," he said. Wow, so Vic lied for me.

"This still doesn't excuse your actions though. You will accept whatever detentions Coach McKinnon hands out to you, plus you'll be on in school suspension for the remainder of this week and next week. Is that clear?" he asked. I didn't say anything.

"Kellin," My mom scolded. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Yes, that's clear," I said through gritted teeth.

"Good. Your parents will take you home. I'm not going to have you lashing out at any other teachers, or students for that matter. You'll go home, calm yourself down and come back tomorrow. Understood?" Holland asked.

"Understood," I said sarcastically. His attention went back to my parents.

"Thank you for coming in to talk about this," Holland said and stood up to shake their hands.

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. We don't know what's gotten into him," My mom said apologetically. Wow it's like they've never seen an angry teenager before.

"Well, unfortunately none of us are particularly surprised by his actions. Just a reminder though that if this does happen again then I will not hesitate in expelling him," Holland threatened.

Being expelled would probably solve some of my problems; the biggest being my relationship with Vic. If I were to be expelled then I would be a student, so we could be together without there being any problems. The down side to this though is that it'll go on my permanent record and I won't be able to get into a college easily. I'm not exactly the most academic person but I do want to get somewhere in life eventually, which might mean going to college and for that I need a clean record, even though there's probably enough on my records for any college to reject me. I can't make it any worse.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now