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I sat at lunch the next day with Mike and Alex. Things had relatively gone back to normal, or at least with us they had. There was still a little tension, but that was expected since they spent the past couple of weeks hating me. Other than that, we were just like we used to be, only minus Tay. She smiled at me from across the cafeteria and I smiled back, giving a small wave. I haven't really been able to talk to her since biology yesterday since Alex is around me a lot and she doesn't want to be near him.

"Who are you-," Alex stopped speaking when he turned his head and saw who I was waving at. Tay looked down quickly, and so did Alex.

"Oh, never mind," he said and turned back to his food. He picked at it solemnly. Mike and I exchanged a look. We both knew that something had to be done about the Tay and Alex situation. Me, being the more assertive one of the group, decided to speak up.

"Have you spoken to Tay yet?" I asked Alex. He looked up at me and shook his head.

"Nah, I wouldn't know what to say," he mumbled.

"How about the truth?" Mike suggested with a bit of aggression to his voice. I guess he wasn't a huge fan of what Alex did.

"What exactly is the truth? Like, do you want her back?" I asked. Alex kept pushing his food around, trying to distract himself from the topic at hand, but god damn it I'm going to make him deal with this sooner rather than later.

"I don't know..." He started, "I mean, I do care about Tay, like a lot. I love her, but...I'm really into Jack too."

"Who do you want to be with though?" I asked. He shrugged and I rolled my eyes. "Well, try this. Imagine you're standing at the alter at your wedding. Who is by your side?"

He snorted and chuckled, "Jack would look ridiculous in a wedding dress,"

I raised my eyebrows in curiosity, "Uh, okay...so you clearly just thought of Jack...in a dress though. I don't wanna know about your little kinks. Point is; you thought of him and not Tay."

He looked at me thoughtfully. I hope I just helped him and didn't confuse the stupid boy any further.

"Do you guys think I should go and talk to her?" Alex asked.

"Yes!" Mike and I shouted at the same time. God, he was frustrating.

"Okay, okay, don't get your panties in a twist," Alex said defensively and stood up.

"Again with the thinking about boys in girl's clothing. How did I not guess that you were gay before?" I teased. He gave a snarky look before walking off towards Tay. I watched him, and well it was really awkward to watch. Both of them seemed so uncomfortable to be communicating with each other, but then Tay stood up and they went outside together.

I was glad that he was now being open, or sort of open, about who he is, even if that means breaking Tay's heart. No one in school had really said anything to Alex about his sexuality even though I kind of outed him a couple of weeks ago in biology. Then again this entire school has always been really cool when it comes to gay people.

"Speaking of talking to your exes about your feelings..." Mike trailed off and looked at me expectantly. I groaned and rested my chin on my hand.

"I know, I know," I grumbled. I had to talk to Vic soon. I was just too nervous to.

"He's been asking about you a lot," he said.

"Really? What does he say?" I asked.

"Hm, just the usual. He asks how you are since you won't talk to him yet," he explained

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now