Chapter 12

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Tell us everything!" I heard the girls yell. It's already 12?

"Okay hold on, let me get out of bed Loui--" shit now they're going to know I slept in Louis' room.

"You're with Louis?!" this time I heard everyone but Anna. Uh oh... I walked out of the room and into the backyard.

"Let me start from the beginning" I heard silence so I continued.

"Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn said they were going to 'talk', and left me, and Niall alone. It turns out there were really in a meeting with management. They got back, and that is when Harry broke up with me, I ran out of the house to a bench, where I texted Megan" I continued telling them the rest of the story up to the part where me, and Louis kissed.

"What happened next?" Anna asked sounding a little annoyed?

"Louis said that he really liked me, and we kissed. Just as Harry walked out" should I tell them about my plan?

"You should get him back by using Louis!" Nat yelled. She's just like me when it comes to getting back at people.

"That was my plan, but Harry sorta figured it out"

"How?" most of them asked.

"Let me finish my story, so anyway me, and Louis broke apart after Louis realized Harry was there. Harry seemed really mad, and told me that he wanted to talk, so of course Louis being his best friend made me go talk to him because he seemed 'upset'. Anyway I went in, and he basically told me that he knew what I was doing, and that I shouldn't hurt Louis because I was mad at him. I walked out, and went to sleep in Louis' room" I finished, and the questions/statements began.

"Did you guys do 'it'?"

"Don't do that to Louis please" that sounded a lot like Anna.

"How was the kiss?"

"Harry's a bastard, he lied to you twice in only a couple of hours!"

"I'm hungry"

"Natalie!" they all yelled at her, and I just laughed.

"1) we didn't do anything ,we were just cuddling 2) the kiss wasn't anything special it was nice though 3) Yes Harry is a bastard, and that is why I'm going to get him back 4) I don't understand what the big deal is about me using Louis to get back at Harry! It's not like he's going to find out, and I'm not going to do anything with him, I just want to show Harry that I don't need him--" the next thing I heard shocked the hell out of me.

"So I guess you don't need me either? You know I thought you were different, I thought you actually liked me. Every moment I was with you it was like I just forgot about everything. Guess it's all just a game to you, I regret everything that happened last night thanks to you" I was face-to-face with Louis, and for once the girls shut up.

"Look I'm s--"

"Save it for the next guy" and he walked away.

"What the hell just happened?!" Maya yelled.

"I just lost yet another friend, and it's all my fault"

"You should have expected that to happen I mean you were trying to use him. Bye Em" Anna snapped.

"Great 3 friends lost in a matter of a couple hours, am I really that bad?" They all started to say something to make me feel better. I was sick of people being sorry for me, so I hung up. I know they were trying to help, but this time I really screwed up. I walked inside the house to be greeted by Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Great.

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