Chapter 14

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I sat there for few minutes 'til I built up the courage to start my search for Abby. I know it's stupid, but can you really blame me for being nervous? I mean I haven't seen Abby in years, what if she doesn't recognize me? What if I never find her? I know it's a bit far fetched but I'm like shaking right now I'm so nervous. I had gotten the number to my last foster home, where the family adopted Abby, and dialled the number.

"Hello how may I help you" it was a lady's voice.

"I'm trying to find out where my sister is, and I was wondering if you could tell me where the family is that adopted her. Her name is Abby"

"Does she have a last name?" I shook my head, and realized she couldn't see me.

"No" my father made us change our names because we weren't 'good enough' to have a name our mother gave us, and I never tried to remember my real name.

"Okay let me just check" I held my breath as she did what ever she was doing.

"It says here that the family is now in London, I cannot tell you the address, I'm not even suppose to tell you any of the information I have, but I remember you to girls. Emma right?"

"Yeah Emma. Thank you so much for all your help, but I have to go find her now" we said our goodbyes, and I hung up. I went on my phone to search all I could before I called Harry, who didn't answer, so I called Liam, and at the moment I forgot he was probably 'disappointed' in me.

"Emma! haven't heard from you since you left" he had that hint of 'I knew this would happen' in his voice.

"Uh hi um.." I couldn't seem to get out what I wanted to say. What did I want to say?

"You need help don't you?" I would say he could read minds, but I didn't even know what I needed.

"Yes..." I said sheepishly.

"I knew this was going to happen. You aren't even gone for 3 days, and you already need help" gosh he sounds like my father, well my father when my mother was around, and wasn't crazy. I could just imagine him him pinching the skin in between his eyes, and shaking his head.

"If you don't want to help me I'll go" I knew he would feel guilty and give in. It's horrible I know but he would've went on and on, and wouldn't have shut up.

"No, no, no, I'll help you. What do you need?"

"First you have to promise not to tell Harry that I'm letting you help me" Harry would be beyond hurt.

"Emma that's going behind my best mates back, I can't--" I cut him off.

"Please? I really need your help, and if I go to him, he'll think I'm weak"

"Okay, fine I won't tell him" he gave in.

"Thanks, now can you help me find where Abby is? I know she is in London, but not sure of the address. The lady at the foster home wouldn't tell me"

"Let me hang up, you start asking around London, check schools, and other adoption centers. I'll call Simon, and see who he can get to help. He knows a lot of people"

"Okay thank you so much!" he hung up, and I got changed into my Holister jean shorts, and white lace collared t-shirt, and pout my hair into a high pony. I walked down the stairs to the devil himself, Jason. My phone vibrated just as I turned the corner, and saw him. I looked down at my phone, 1 new message from some weird number, that I sorta recognized. 'Hey slut, I can see your bra' okay yeah you could see through this shirt, but I had a bandeau on so you could see that not my bra. I looked around the room to find who it was, but all I saw was Jason.

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