Chapter 4

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I went to Haydock jr. High for eighth grade. There I was reunited with my friends Paulina and Jasmine. I didn't become close friends with Karla until freshman year in high school. But she was there too. I was also exited to be there because Cesar was there too. But I guess my love for him slowly started to fade. Not enough to forget him though. I started to see this guy walking around campus everyday and he looked so much like my neighbor who moved away a while ago. And who I was also in love with. Is it possible to be in love with more than one person? Or maybe I just liked him a lot.

That's another story I'll get back to later. Anyways, I started to notice him more no more. And just like Cesar when he smiled it made me smile too. It was crazy. I didn't want to replace Cesar with Eddie. But they both made me have butterflies in my stomach. I was so confused at the time. But not anymore.

My neighbors name was Ether. I think that's how you spell it. If not,I'm sorry. I don't know what it was about him that made me fall for him. He was just so nice and his skin was flawless. The first time I met him he was outside with his cousin Andrew. Who was also cute. And he was shirtless, so that was a bonus. But when I saw ether he looked at me and I looked at him, but It was a short 3 seconds and I looked down. My heart started to race and I walked to my house. For like , the first week I was thinking about him nonstop. It kept me from talking to people and from doing my homework. Instead I liked to think of the few features on his face those three seconds. Then I saw him outside again. I was so happy to see him. It was a silence love. I never showed it.

I was outside with my sister and we were playing with our other neighbors.i was 13 or 14 at the time. And he was younger than me, he was 12. Which at first I thought was weird. But now I know the age doesn't matter. He was mature for his age. Sometimes I felt he was older than me. Anyways, me and my sister were playing outside with a volleyball and I see this little girl walk up to us and I just stare at her, she has the prettiest eyes. I just smiled and wondered where she came from. And then I look up and see ether walking up to us. It was his baby sister. And he came to get her. I slowly backed away and let him pick her up. I just stood there paralyzed trying to hide my face , but I couldn't. So I just stood there and smiled at him. He lifted the corner of his mouth and started to walk away. Meanwhile everyone else continued playing. I've seen him outside a couple of more times and became friends with his older sister she was probably 9 or 10. I also slowly started to talk to ether or "buzz". what he told me his family called him. Overtime I talked to him comfortably, without anything being awkward. Of course he didn't like me back, but being friends was enough for me.

I eventually found out that he had a girlfriend. Why wouldn't he. He was a great guy.

And she was a lucky girl.

One day I asked him, out of the blue, something somewhat serious.

" if you had one last thing do do, before the world ends right here, what would you do?"

I asked. Expecting him to say that he would sweep me off my feet and kiss me. But no. His answer was the complete opposite.

"I would....get someone I know..." He started.

"Yeah...." I said quietly

" and I would take her to my room and.... You know" he said with a devious smile.

"And who is...she?" I said. Looking at him as if he was thinking of me. And the sun was setting and it was beautiful. I was waiting for his answer patiently as I looked as his eyes. Suddenly I feel him leaning in and I looked at his brown eyes and he said in a low voice " my girlfriend." My heart sunk to my feet at what he said. I closed my eyes as he slowly backed away. I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Then I opened my eyes to him looking at his phone. I asked him trying to not make my voice sound so hurt.

" why did you whisper it to me?!" I said realizing I sounded mad.

"Because my mom doesn't know, and I don't want enya to hear."

I didn't talk to him for days. I eventually talked to him again. I don't think he noticed I was mad at him. I saw one day after several months that they were starting to pack..... to move. Of course I was sad. They were my friends. But some friends you don't get to keep.

Life gets BetterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora