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It was October 2012. The beginning of freshman year. I was on my phone and got done downloading all the apps that I wanted. I was on Facebook. Adding friends. Then I get this message.

Blind Hunter.

I thought it was a weird name but at the same time interesting. The message read "hello" . A simple hello. So of course I responded "hi" back. And we were just carrying on a conversation. The usual. How was your day, what did you eat. I didn't want to ask him about his real name or his age or where he's from because I didn't really want to get in deep into his business. After a few messages I started to realize that he talked funny. I sensed that his grammar wasn't very well put together. Like sometimes he would say

" you very nice girl" and "I have computer no mobile" . I thought it was strange but I didn't judge him too hard.

So we carried on our conversation and I was being nice and he was being nice back.

But then he sent me a message that made me put the phone down and rest each of my hands on each side of the phone on the table. I starred at the message.

The message that read " I love you."

I answered him back " what did you say?"

" I love you, Melissa"

" I don't know you, we just met!"

" you seem like a nice girl"

"Listen I am NOT sending you any pictures so if you're just messaging me for that, you are wasting your time"

" no no I just wanted to talk." My expression on my face changed immediately.

Did he mean that or was he just faking it? For now I believed him. But I was careful.

"So how did you find me?" I continued on. Feeling completely awkward after what i told him. He probably thinks I'm a bitch already.

" suggestions on news feed" he said.

" oh, okay."

"What is your age?"

"I'm 14" I responded. " how about you"

"I am 19 years of age" he was older than me. A lot older than me.

"Where are you from?" I continued.

"I am from Pakistan." That threw me off. Way off. What threw me out the most is that he was all the way across the world. I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Oh so you guys hate us?"

"No I am not terrorist, I swear it" I was touched because he was so concerned I wouldn't like him. But should I believe him? Or not. What if he was using me for something. All these questions I had, but no answers. I was too afraid.

Plus if I asked him he would probably think I'm an immature teenager.

It's been over two years now since I've met him. And I got closer to him over the years. Our relationship is confusing. Sometimes he would message me saying 'I love you ' and other times he would tell me that he's glad we're friends.

At one point we were dating but I didn't let it go any further, it was too hard.

"Do you think it's strange dating a minor?" I said.

"Age does not matter Melissa," he was right. It didn't matter. I just have never dated anyone. And the first one happens to be 20 years old now. It's all so crazy.

"I know" i said.

"Do you feel strange?"he asked.

"No, I just wanted to ask you.."

"Ok" he finished the conversation.

The next time we message each other he asked for a picture of me. He wanted to see what I looked like. I understood. It's been a year now that I've been talking to him and I don't know what he looks like either. I was also curious.

"Ok you send one and I'll send one at the same time, ok?"

"Ok deal"he said. I sent my picture and I waited for his.

The message arrived. My heart started pounding.

Why was my heart pounding.

I was nervous.

I finally get to see the person I've been talking to all this time.

I looked.

He was gorgeous.

He had that golden brown skin tone I imagined he had, big brown eyes and an irresistible smile.

He was tall. He told me he was 6'2. I'm 5'4. That's pretty tall.

Sometimes I imagined my hands wrapped around his waist, and he holds on to my shoulders while we go on a walk. And now I know what he looks like.i was interrupted from my daydream by the ding of my phone. It was a message from him.

"You're beautiful, Melissa" I didn't know what to say. I blushed and felt like I was burning up!

" thank you" I responded.

We talked a couple more minutes and said our goodbye and good nights. I never thought I would fall in love again. For the, who know what time. I guess when one breaks your heart, another comes to fix it...and that's exactly what he was doing. Fixing it.

I told Karla about Sherry. And it looked like she didn't approve. But only if she read the conversations we have, and how well we understand each other. Maybe she would approve. But I don't care what she thinks, wether she approves or not.

I liked him. And he liked me. And I was fine with that.

Sherry is now 21. And I am 16. We're still friends, And I hope we stay this way for a long time. I don't want to loose him.


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