Chapter 5

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I graduated in June, 2012 from Haydock. I was glad to leave that place. I've had some bad memories. I remember that time in English class when I saw Cynthia. It was the most horrible feeling in the world. The moment I saw her I wanted to tell her to leave me alone. But of course I didn't. I hoped she would ignore me for the sole year and I can ignore her. It was all going fine until towards the end of the year she decide she wanted to humiliate me one last time. It wasn't as bad as her previous approaches ,but it reminded me of the past, something I wanted to forget.

We were in class and we were about to leave until Cynthia yelled out that it smells like fish in the class. And she started asking people if they smell like fish. Of course so I can hear because I knew she was talking about me. It was her way of telling me she hasn't forgotten and she hoped I hadn't forgotten too. I didn't. If that makes her happy. I don't think I ever will.

Graduation was great for me. First of all I graduated!! Not a big thing for many, but I got a new dress, did my hair, and everything! I didn't get many pictures. Just two. One with jasmine and one with Alexis. I couldn't find Karla or Paulina, or Brianna.

I go a new phone, but not the iPhone. I wish. But being away from Cynthia was more than enough.

After I walked the line, me and my family went to toppers pizza for lunch.

And that was it.

No party.

No friends over.

Just graduation.

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