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DESCRIPTION: Everyone experiences three different types of love, no matter the world status.

WARNING: *Set before the events of E1-E3*



Our first love is said to happen while we are young.

Everything was perfect. Before. Everything was perfect, before. People who could get along, not worrying about anything other than if they got the promotion at work or if they were star of the week at school. Most people could hold a civilised, ones without a gun being waved around or without the word 'murderer' or 'heartless' being thrown around.

When everything was perfect most people didn't have to worry about when the last day of the world was. They didn't have to worry about the fact the dead was going to roam, making survival a risk. They didn't have to worry about when it was going to be the last time they saw their loved ones.

Within the neighbourhood which Y/N lived in, everyone got along. Whenever people were mowing their, they would acknowledge the other people outside, by raising their hand and giving them a slight wave, then inviting them into a conversation.

Y/N was one of the young child within the neighbourhood, not many kids lived their, considering it was one for the elderly more a less, or those who were who were hardly home or even those which work from home.

Most of the time Y/N felt lonely. Despite having a family which would play with her, ones which would spend time whenever they could. Yet that wasn't enough for her, she just wanted someone to be around all of the time.

On one weekend, around noon on a Saturday, she shyly asked her mother if she could play outside. Her mother agreed but informed her not to go far as she was only young; Y/N understood.

Y/N found herself sitting on a swing at a park a street over. Her white and red sneakers, kicking of the floor, causing her to move back and fourth. Her hair tickling her face, random strands sticking up.

Y/N sighed, her eyes locked on the tarmacked floor until she heard the park gate creaked open. She lifted her head up, eyes meeting with a boy around her age, smiling sheepishly at her.

She returned the warm smile and went back to staring down at the floor until she heard the swing besides her begin to move. She turned her head, taking a closer look at the boy besides her, while he does the same.

"Hi," the boy spoke, his hand releasing the metal chain and sticking it out for the girl to shake it, "My names Michael. Yours?"

Y/N took his hand in hers, shaking it, "My names Y/N."

Michael smiled, beginning to swing on his swing. The pair began to talk to one another, opening up to one another after figuring out they came from the same type of family and background.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Michael and Y/N became fast friends. Going over to each other's house, playing in with their family, having dinner. Both kids enjoyed the company of one another.

Neither of them would admit it - due to the fact of their young age - but they had grew fond of one another; some could say to the degree they had feelings for one another. Some would say it was young love; it technically was. Yet neither of the pair are brave enough to advance on their feelings.

One day, it came down to Y/N walking down the street to Michael's house. She held a smile on her face, as her small fist came up to the black wooden door, giving it a loud knock, notifying the people inside the house of her presence.

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