Chapter Ten

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"Willowsong?" Wolfsbane raises her head. She hurriedly stood up and looked around. She takes a deep breath and exits the den. The moon shone brightly. It was midnight. She roams around the camp. She only finds Frostbite curled up in the back of his den. She couldn't tell if he was awake or asleep. She exits the camp and opens her mouth to see if she can sense Willowsong. Luckily, she did. However, there was another scent merged with his. Wolfsbane narrows her eyes and follows this said scent. She finds herself behind a row of bushes. They were slowly turning into an orange and red color, as were all the trees around her. Leaf-fall was coming soon. She shakes her random thoughts away and looks through the bushes.

"She scares me sometimes. I thought... Well, I thought I.." That was Willowsong. Wolfsbane tries to listen closer. Who was he talking to?

"You know, you don't need her. You didn't want to leave your clan right?"
A she-cat voice.
Wolfsbane decides to listen more, her muzzle scrunching up in anger.

"Right... You know what? I'm glad I met you. I don't think I'd be able to handle this alone, Jenna." Willowsong purrs and gets ready to leave.

"I'm looking forward to these talks again tomorrow night." Jenna nods, standing up and shaking her fur. Wolfsbane bares her fangs and fights back her urge to intervene. She'll confront him if it gets worse. She takes a deep breath and silently climbed out of the bushes and ran to the camp. She entered the old Medicine Cat Den and curled up in her nest. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.
That was a mistake. The gloomy forest she came to know so well stood before her.

"Hello, Wolfsbane." That voice. That dreadful voice.

"Greetings, Burning Flame." Wolfsbane spits. Burning Flame circles around Wolfsbane.

"You've met your partner for your plan." Burning Flame smirks.

"Partner? Who?" Wolfsbane asks. 

"Frostbite of course. Talk to him tomorrow." Burning Flame advises. "Salutations." He laughs and fades. Wolfsbane shakes her head and growls.

 "I hope that's the last one I ever hear from you.." she mutters.
Morning came around, and daylight struck her eye as soon as she opened it. She blinks and looks over to her side. Willowsong was by her side. Maybe the whole talk was a sick dream by Burning Flame? She smelt his fur and wrinkled her nose in disgust. It was no dream. Her scent was all over him. She stands up and shakes her fur. She slips out of the den and finds Frostbite staring at the clouds.

"Autumn is coming soon." He comments out loud. Wolfsbane stands next to him.

"What's autumn?" She asks. Frostbite glances over at Wolfsbane then back at the clouds. 

"Clan cats prefer to call it Leaf-Fall. Ever since this Clan was eradicated the term was long forgotten. Autumn is the quote-on-quote "Kittypet" term." Frostbite explains and licks his paw.  Wolftuft hums and sits down.

"We need to talk," She says suddenly. Frostbite tilts his head curiously. "A... Friend of mine thought of a plan that could avenge the way I was wronged. I want you to help." Wolfsbane offers.

"I don't see why not. So what is your so-called plan?" Frostbite yawns. He didn't seem very interested he didn't even seem like he cared at all. Wolfsbane narrows her eyes and shakes her head. 

"It's simple. We take the kits from the clans and threaten their safety. We claim that there are wolves in the forest and if they find us outside of the border and try to attack us, we'll send the kits to camp and say they are going to a wolf den." Wolfsbane explains. "The queens will be frightened and beg for their safety. We won't show them mercy." Wolfsbane snarls. Frostbite tilts his head to the side, intrigued.

"It is a dangerous plan. I will follow through and see where it takes us." Frostbite stands up and flicks his tail. "For now, however, you need to rest. You are almost a queen after all." he gazes at her belly and heads over to the Fresh Kill Pile. Wolfsbane flattens her ears and looks down. 

"Right. How could I ever forget..." Wolfsbane sighed and stood. Frostbite pulled out a scrawny mouse from the shrinking pile of prey and lays on a stone, which had a small patch of sunlight shine onto it. Wolfsbane took the time to examine the camp. The trees around them had patches of yellows and oranges on some of the leaves, some even falling onto the ground. Wolfsbane stepped towards the Fresh Kill Pile and picked up a tough-looking squirrel. Suddenly, a scent she dreaded to scent overwhelmed her senses. 

"Excuse me, kitty. I need to get a plump piece of prey." Jenna spat and shoved Wolfsbane away. Wolfsbane hissed and flexed her claws. Jenna dug through the small pile and pulled out a small vole. "This will do for now..." Jenna muttered. Wolfsbane rolled her existing eye. She turned to leave when Willowsong suddenly entered the camp, his fur ruffled as if he rolled around in something to hide a scent.  Wolfsbane put on the happiest face she could attempt and headed over to him. 

"Hello, love! I got a squirrel we can share. Was hunting a struggle this morning?" Wolfsbane said in a sweet voice after setting the prey down gently. She didn't want to be suspicious. Willowsong awkwardly nodded and glanced over her shoulder. Wolfsbane turned her head slightly to see what he was looking at and narrowed her eyes when she saw Jenna beckoning him over. 

"Jenna has a vole that seems pretty good right now. Sorry, Wolfsbane." Willowsong passed by Wolfsbane and walked towards Jenna. Wolfsbane unsheathed her claws and dug them into the mossy dirt. She picked up the prey and furiously walked over to a slightly bent tree that was shadier than the rest of the camp. She slumped down and nibbled the squirrel. She didn't bother looking up at her mate and Jenna, she could hear enough. They sounded happy, which infuriated Wolfsbane more than she already was. Wolfsbane blinked away the wetness that was forming in her eye and let out a shaky sigh. She curled herself up and covered her face with her tail. She whimpered quietly and shut her eyes tightly. 'I have a love, but... why do I feel so alone?'

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