Chapter Thirteen

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"You liar!" Jenna yowls and lunges at Wolfsbane.

"What are you talking about?" Wolfsbane jumps to the side. "Are you out of your mind? You're the liar!" she seethes and unsheathes her claws. 

"Your name is Wolftuft!" Jenna snaps her jaws, frighteningly close to her other eye. 

"You and Willowsong have been sneaking out!" Wolfsbane screeches, striking Jenna's side, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. "He was my mate! Mine!" she pins Jenna down. "You took him away from me! Do you have any idea what you have done?" she raises her claw in the air and prepared to strike her again. 

"Wolfsbane stop! You'll kill her!" Willowsong pounces on the large one-eyed cat. 

"You." Wolfsbane snarls. "I am carrying your kits." she shakes him off. "And you decide to run off with some other she-cat." the fur on her back stood up fiercely. 

"Because Jenna isn't a murderer!" Willowsong cries.

"You asked me to be your mate. I loved you more than anything. This is what I get in return?" Wolfsbane grumbles. Willowsong backed away.

"Come on Jenna, let's go to my clan. It's safer there." Willowsong helps Jenna up. Wolfsbane glares at the two. Jenna glares right back at her and leaves the camp.

"I thought you were better than this," Wolfsbane calls to Willowsong. He looks at her for a moment, then sighs.

"Everyone has a reason for everything, after all, Wolfsbane." Willowsong murmured then leaped into the bushes. Frostbite emerges from his den and sits beside Wolfsbane. 

"You can sleep in my Den if you'd like. I heard what happened. I can't believe my sister would run off with such a softie." Frostbite shakes his head. "We don't need them though, right?" he looks at her.

"Right. Thank you." Wolfsbane dips her head. She then winces and puts a paw to her stomach. "My poor kits... They're going to grow up without a father." she slumps down onto the ground. It was cold, but the heat from the argument needed to cool down. 

"Are they coming soon?" Frostbite asks. He eyes her stomach. Wolfsbane curls up and licks her fur.

"I think they'll be coming in a moon." Wolfsbane yawns. "When the Clans leave to go to the gathering, you'll have to go to the camps without me," she instructs. 

"Of course." Frostbite stands up and nudges her up. "The sun is setting. Let's go inside, or you'll freeze your fur off." he leads into his den. Wolfsbane didn't complain. "You can sleep in my nest. I'm used to sleeping out in the cold, so sleeping without a nest is fine." he curls up on the dirt. Wolfsbane shakes her head. 

"No, sleep in your nest. It's only going to get colder and colder. We can keep warm together." she curls up in the nest. Since she was a tad bit bigger than him, he curled up to her stomach, carefully of course. 

"I know you were just abandoned but... Your kits don't need to grow up without a father." Frostbite says quietly. 

"What do you mean?" Wolfsbane asks, tilting her head.

"I mean I'll watch you and your kits with you until they're old enough to go on their own." he licks his chest fur. "I may be considered bad, even evil...but I'm not cruel." 

"I know. That means a lot to me, thank you." Wolfsbane started to purr. "Our plan isn't even bad either. They'll be safe." 

"Of course." Frostbite nods. "Now let's get some shut-eye." Wolfsbane nods her head and closes her eyes. The warmth from Frostbite made her fall asleep almost as soon as she closed her eyes. However, she woke up in the rotten forest that she Oh-so-loved so much. She wasn't alone this time though, Frostbite was standing beside her, scanning the area. 

"Who's this Doll?" a pale tan Tom with red ears and tail with deep amber eyes stood in front of Wolfsbane. He turns to Frostbite. "And who is this electric dude?" he flicks his tail.

"Applesnap, back off." Burning Flame's voice echoed through the dying forest. 

"C'mon Burning Flame, Gimme a break!" Applesnap whines. "I just wanna get to know these Outta sight cats! No biggie." he purrs. Burning Flame bared his fangs, causing the small tom to squeak "You're out there, Burning." he pads away, muttering to himself.

"I didn't understand a single thing he said.." Wolfsbane said as she watched him leave. 

"He died over 600 moons ago. They talked differently back then. Most of the cats that died during that time adjusted though, he seems to be stuck in his time of life." another cat emerges, she had two long front teeth that looked like fangs. She had black fur with a light tan face, chest, underbelly, and tail tip. Her eyes were a scorching amber

"I'm glad you're here, Nightfang." Burning Flame dips his head. Frostbite flicked his tail impatiently. 

"Can we get on with this?" he huffs. Wolfsbane rested her tail on his back. Nightfang sniffs the air and gasps. 

"This...Wolfsbane is pregnant! I could recognize that scent from anywhere." she smiles, causing her fangs to appear more. Burning Flame hisses and shakes his head. He cuffs Nightfang's ear.

"The plan!" Burning Flame snarls. "We will take the kits, hide them away, kill the queens, return the kits, then move on with our miserable lives. Happy everyone?" he storms off. Nightfang's ears perked up, but before a sentence could leave her mouth, Burning Flame sighs and says, "And no, Nightfang. You won't be eating them as you did with yours." he fades away. Wolfsbane gasps and shakes her head.

"You...You ate..." she stammers and backs away. "Your poor... kits." she felt sick. How come she wasn't in charge here? Wolfsbane needed to get out of here before she clawed the cannibalistic she-cat. Frostbite grabbed Wolfsbane by the scruff and lead her away from Nightfang. 

"I don't want her around you when you are expecting kits." Frostbite hisses. 

"Glad we're on the same page then." Wolfsbane releases herself from Frostbite's clutch. "In fact. I never want to see this horrid place ever again." she covers her belly with her tail and closes her eyes. "Never ever again." 

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