A Most Ominous Setting

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Rosalie's legs ached and the sweat clinging to her body made it uncomfortable for her to move as she followed Michel through the dark forest.

He sped past overhanging branches, leaping over boulders and fallen trees with startling speed and agility. She struggled to keep up. Her unsteady breathing came in short bursts as she hobbled over another dead log on the ground. She stopped to bend over and catch her breath.

"Wait!," she called out between gasps, "You're going too fast."

Rosalie dropped to her knees, legs screaming in appreciation for a moment's reprieve. The night air filled her lungs, quickly replenishing her breath. Michel suddenly kneeled before her and placed a hand on the back of her head gently.

"My apologies, Rose. It's been quite a while since I've had human company. I had to be quick to survey the path ahead for dangers. I should have told you not to try to keep up," he said with honesty.

"Next time, I'll bring a horse to catch up to you," she joked.

His lips lifted into a smirk as his brows rose high on his forehead.

"You seemed to do pretty well on your own, even for a dumb lady," he teased.

She rolled her eyes, then frowned, recalling what he'd said.

"What do you mean by not having human companions? Have you been living here all alone?"

Michel completely withdrew from her, quickly masking his expression with indifference. He turned away and scanned the area. She realized he was avoiding her questions, like he had done before when he'd gotten extremely close to distract her. He knew how to manipulate a situation to his advantage. That seemed like a skill born from isolation and an inability to trust.

Her heart twisted at the idea of this man living in a secluded area with no one to speak to. Although, being around people wouldn't necessarily have helped. Her experience with the villagers had taught her that social interaction was best in small doses. Perhaps he'd had the same kind of treament she receieved on a daily basis from the citizens of Maelynn and chose to escape to the freedom of nature.

Rosalie decided not to invade his personal life with any more questions. Forcing herself to her feet, she approached Michel's side. She mimicked him by looking off into the distance with intensity. She caught him smiling in her periphery.

"I'm fine, now. You can continue leading the way," she said.

Michel nodded in response and started walking at a slower pace than before. She sent him a small smile in appreciation. They traveled quietly for a while before he finally spoke.

"We're almost there. I'll have to see to some things before I allow you inside, but you are welcome to wait in the gardens in the meantime."

Rosalie noticed a massive drop in the temperature as they moved into a distinctly different part of the forest, leaving behind the stormy air hovering over Maelynn. The trees lacked leaves and the area was devoid of life. Her breath began to fog and she saw patches of snow at the base of some tree trunks. Then, snowflakes started to fall. They danced, slowly racing each other to the ground.

Rosalie admired the sudden change of scenery, even as she started shivering from the cold. Michel moved behind her and before she could ask, he placed his huge hooded cloak over her shoulders. She wrapped it tightly around her and blushed slightly.

She gave him a quiet, "Thank you," then let her gaze fall to her feet.

The arrogant stranger had quickly become a chivalrous gentleman. Though, his stubborn and disrespectful personality would be hard to ignore, she thought maybe it wouldn't be such a terrible adventure after all. Either way, she needed to have a discussion with Michel, without him deflecting.

"Rose, chére?"

She'd been so caught up in her own mind, she hadn't been paying attention to where they were going. She looked up to see Michel standing ahead. Beyond him stood a magnificent castle locked by frozen water from a man-made moat. The wide stairway leading to the massive doors shined brightly against the light of night. The moon's beams were freed from the bars of the tree branches, illuminating the castle with their pale light.

Rosalie's mouth opened in amazement at the magnificent, but desolate architecture. Spires topped both the left and right wings. Windows were painted with intricate designs, but the color seemed faded and dull. Statues sat collecting dirt and snow, some broken or fallen over. The garden Michel had spoken of was overgrown with rose bushes. They were beautiful, but like the rest of the area, needed serious tending to.

Sadness overcame Rosalie to see such a majestic structure dilapidated and in ruin. Her imagination started to run wild, wondering what the place would've looked like in its prime.

"What happened to this place?," she asked aloud unintentionally.

Michel's response raised the hair on the back of her neck and sent a chill straight down her spine.


A Rose for the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now