Chapter 6- The Daughter of Water

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Amazingly enough we made it to D.C. without a monster trying to eat them. I considered that a good day.

I still hadn't figured out who Leo was and or why they were there, and let alone what in the world "the mission" really was. All that they had chatted about two nights ago was so confusing I could hardly piece anything together. I couldn't ask them about it either, otherwise they would know I had listened in. I wish that people would realize that when they whispered and acted secretive it only made other people more curious?

"Welcome to D.C. Guys!" Percy said knocking me out from my revelry. "Now if we can keep from getting attacked by any golden lions it will be a beautiful day!" Percy said oddly chipper. I wondered what that comment about lions was about.

We were walking into the metro station to get tickets into the main city. It was amusing how I had gone so long without transportation and how suddenly I was using all sorts of transpiration. Buses, trains, and now metros! Percy had said metros were basically subways, like in New York and they just called them metros to sound cool. Then Annabeth corrected him by stating facts that made them different. Either way, it sounded fun.

The walls were all concrete inside the station. Percy and Annabeth were buying tickets for all of us. I waited with Grover near the ticket booth. I was leaning against the wall in my new sneakers that Percy insisted he buy me when he realized how torn up mine were.

"Percy....hurry up I am smelling monsters...." Grover said nervously.

"You smell monsters? Can you smell demigods too?" I ask.

"No, not in the same way," Grover said not giving any more information. My eyes drifted to a man in a black hoodie. He was watching us.

"We need to get out of here. . ." I say, my internal warning alarm going off like crazy. I couldn't count how many times in the past year a monster attack started with a creepy person staring at me. Only one out of five times was it just a human creepy person. The other four always turned out to be monsters in one form or another.

"Percy-" Grover started but it wasn't soon enough.

The scene burst into motion. Percy and Annabeth turned Percy's hand already around riptide. Across the room the man in the hoodie threw off the hood showing its true form. It was a hideous creature with the head of a dog and the body of a human. It was covered in black leathery skin with patches of fur at random all over the body. As if it had was losing its fur slowly. It had ivory teeth that formed a rabid growl. Suddenly, as if my vision was becoming clearer, its clothes faded away and was replaced by its leathery skin and patchy fur. It leaped across the ten yards of space between it and Percy.

Its ivory claws outstretched to grab Percy. But Riptide was already out. It took place before me in slow motion. Percy's arms swung in a circle slashing through the skin of the creature's hands. It yelled in pain as it dropped onto the ground on all fours.

Snarling, the monster circled back around Percy and Annabeth. Before I knew what I was doing, my hand was opening the compact that was in my pocket. Without thinking or looking my finger touched one of the mirrors. From the small compact a beautiful three foot long blade of the silvery water that was as hard as steel. I moved with more grace then I thought I had to silently get behind the monster.

During this time Percy had been going head to head with the thing, Sword on claws. Percy was definitely ahead, or so I thought. With a final slam of Percy's blade against the creature it fell back cowering almost. But as Percy neared the wolf-thing jumped Percy sending him to the ground. Annabeth and Grover were too far away to help, I knew it was up to me. The wolf monster racked its claws against Percy's chest; this pulled a scream of pain from Percy.

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