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Freya Pov


My confidence level was at full peak. In fact, I think it's the fullest it's ever been in all my thousand years of life. I had not only managed to put Finn back into his original vampire body but I also gave Vincent back his.

I'm not sure if this has ever been done before but I was extremely impressed not only at what I had done, but how far I had come.

Not only as a witch but as woman and as a Mikaelson.

Being a witch was a challenge and just plain exhausting at times. It wasn't as simple as saying an incantation or waving your hand. Those were things you had to learn. Learning takes time, patience, energy, and concentration. It takes strength, determination, concentration, and energy to be your best witch self. As a young girl, I remember setting whole villages on fire because I was throwing tantrums...I had been furious at Dahlia and her rules, my mother for giving me up, and the world for how cruel it had been to me in my years of life. But other than that as a child that was all I could do much to Dahlia's disappointment. Just these sudden burst of energy that would come and go. As I grew older Dahlia taught me the craft and tricks. I had finally learned to control the energy, the power inside of me. Though I wasn't allowed to really use it. To see just how far I could go, what I was capable of. How much damage I could cause in a day, maybe in an hour or two. See if I could make birds drop dead from the sky just as Dahlia did. But my Aunt had other plans. Such as draining me of my power. She had been taking it from me the moment I was thrust into her grasp by my wicked mother. If I thought really hard I could still remember the horror I felt being ripped away from her, now I couldn't imagine wanting to go back into her arms. How could I forgive her? Giving me to her sister. Only for me to grow up in hell. Not to lead any life of my own but Dahlia's. Every 100 years she would force me to fall into a deep sleep with her. Every century I would wake in hopes that she would let me go. So that I could go out. Into the world. Feel the fresh crisp Autumn air. Swim in the bluest oceans, the deepest lakes, and churning rivers. Run in the fields of flowers, the forest, and the trails. Travel to the snow covered mountains. Go by ship to new islands that haven't been explored or inhabited yet. Meet people...my family. Have someone to know me other than Dahlia. Love someone and have them love me in return. Try new things, hell try everything. Sadly she wouldn't hear of it, that mean old witch. She didn't know what it was like to love. To want something so badly. A part of me pitied her. The other part of me hated her for it. That was years and years ago. Now I had learned so much more as a witch. Of course I didn't learn it on my own. I had friends, family now that helped me. Mainly Luna and Davina for the witch business. I had mastered my magic. Calmed the swelling anger and most of the boiling hatred inside of me. My witch was quite content where she was. Strong, capable, and ready for anything.

Being a woman was almost harder then being a witch, at least that's what I thought. Me, myself, and I don't see eye to eye. Wearing the best of what money could buy didn't matter to me. I wanted to feel good in my own skin and not put out some fake image of me. In today's world that seemed impossible. Clothing seemed impossible. Wanting to look good but not to attract any unwanted attention. Wanting to get that 'wow, I look good' factor when I looked in the mirror. I felt cast out and apart from the others, (Rebekah, Luna, Hayley, Davina, and Cami). I didn't feel as beautiful as them. I was tall and lanky. What shape I did have resided in my waist and legs. My hair was long and dirty blond, I think that is what Rebekah called it. Never dyed, or cut. I was to nervous to try any of that out, fearing it would make my appearance worse. I had a small chest which I hated. My skin wasn't pale but it wasn't exactly tan either. It was clear so I suppose I should be grateful of that fact. The only thing I liked about me was my green eyes. My sister Rebekah could look good without even trying with her long wavy blond hair, blue eyes, and the dash of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her confidence was something I wish I had. Hayley had a slim, lanky build like me but she somehow managed to pull it off better. Maybe it had something to do with her dark hair, green and gray eyes, and high cheekbones. Cami like me had long blonde hair. Unlike mine hers was a lot lighter and full of life. She could style it: curls, waves, even both. Her emerald green eyes, the friendly smile, and how she could rock combat boots with every outfit. Davina had dark shiny hair that was most of the time straightened and past her shoulders. She had the the most interesting eyes blue, green, and gray. It just depended on the lighting. She had a small figure but her legs made up for it. Luna was the kind that it hurt just to look at her. I wasn't jealous, she was my friend, after all, I considered her as my sister, a part of my family. But I envied her. Not just because of her stunning beauty but because of the power she had, her magic, how strong of a person she was. Luna's hair was darker than her sisters, yet it was still brown. Lighter shades of brown could be seen in it, all natural of course. She wasn't taller than me but her hair made up for it. When she didn't straighten it like she usually did it was wild. Curls in all sorts of shapes and sizes were out. Wanting to be touched and pulled on, again, and again. It was so free, so her.... It flowed like a water fall down her back, and over her shoulders. Even when it was straightened or in it's usual braid it would frame her face perfectly. As beautiful as it was I'd heard stories of her hair destroying thousands of dollars on hair equipment simply because it was being quote on quote "stubborn", Rebekah's words not mine. Her eyes like her sisters were both green and grey. Yet on some days they would be just gray, and others they would be just green. It really depended on what mood she was in. They were framed with dark long eyelashes. The kind that didn't need any mascara because of their natural long length and thickness. Her lips were full, pink, and plump while I had thin ones on my own face. Her skin was not pale or tan, but this beautiful rich caramel color. She could look good in every color, Rebekah once expressed this fact to me, confessing that she was envious of her too. Her body was not lanky like her sisters or mine but curvy I guess was the right word. The hourglass figure was something she had been born with naturally, yet she tried to hide it from the world, and from wandering eyes. Everything about me was either flat or pointy. The shapely long legs, and the flat stomach. I didn't know how she did it. Have such a good-looking body and ate whatever she wanted. She had both men and women wanting her. Yet she was still insecure, almost as insecure as me. It's not that I wanted both men and women to be after me, I just wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin. Comfortable being me. Confidence that could kill. As a woman, I supported the idea that women can do what men can do. Why should what we do and don't do confined to our sexes/genders? Why should women be the ones to stay home while the husband works? Why can't it be the husband that stays at home and the woman works? Why should the man be the one to boss the woman around? I was just figuring out how everything in this century works. So far I keep getting confused, but being a woman is a lot like that too. So, I just have to be ready for whatever comes my way.

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