Chapter one

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Alright so I apologize in advance if you do not like third person point of view, it's the easiest for me to write in and allows much better views from all the characters. I get the advantage of first and second person, but it's just a bit harder for me.


Yn walked along the sidewalk, trying to act as casual as she could. Yet another person wore her crown, allowing her control of their body and making it look like her own. She wore a satchel around her body. It was on the person that fell victim to her.

She had no control over it, it just kind of happened.

Well, it took some control, just that control wasn't in Yn's hands. Someone had to stumble across her crown, had to notice it, and had to decide to wear it. It was their fault, whether they knew what would happen or not. Yn often felt bad about cutting people's lives short, even if she had no intention of it. The thought of it haunted her, sometimes she felt like a heartless murderer. Sometimes she was thankful for it, it gave her so many chances at life, and endless amount so long as her crown remained indestructible as she thought it was. She didn't really know if anything or anyone could break it and end her life, and she didn't really want to know, either. Not yet, at least.

She can't remember some things in her previous lives. She often noticed large gaps in her memory, like pretty big ones.

Anyways, she kept her head down and pulled the hood of her cape over her head. She didn't often wear the hood itself, she usually let it stay down. But she was upset right now. Her latest victim had been a father with his family. They must have been out camping. It was a rather decent camp site, it had been connected with others by trails, it must have been a park of some sort. Well, the man picked up her crown and Yn saw everything. She saw how proudly he trotted off with the crown, going to show it off to his family. Mumbling about how much his daughter would love it on his way.

When he found his family after about a minute of pushing his way past branches and tall plants, he showed it off. Talking about how he found it and pronounced himself the king of the family, his wife the queen, and his two little girls (one just a baby) the princesses. He continued to place the crown on his head. The rest was a blur to Yn, she shivered at the sound of his agonizing screams mixed with her own, though she never remembered screaming. When she was in the body she saw the family screaming and running, only to be stopped by a rather large bear.

She sighed and held her hand up to her forehead, then looked up at the buildings before her. She spent about two days getting to the city, it bustled a bit more than she fancied, but she found that okay.

She stopped at a bench, already occupied by one person. She sat on the opposite end and almost immediately felt eyes boring into the side of her head. She looked over to the person she shared the bench with, they immediately looked back down at their phone. Yn looked back down at the road in front of her, kicking her legs, taking in the sounds of the busy city.

People talked, cars honked and drove by, distant sirens wailed, and the occasional animal such as a cat, dog, or bird sang their songs. Yn slumped into the bench and looked up at the sky. The dark sky was dotted with stars and the occasional plane. The clouds barely visible, and were skimmed with the hue of the sun. The sun was rising, but Yn was falling. Not to sleep, not yet, but rather into an endless loop of ending up in cities she didn't want to be in. But it was her best chance at survival, besides, she had her few good experiences. She met a pigeon who didn't shit on her.

She heard rustling from beside her, the person next to her shivered and pulled their coat closer to them. They exhaled sharply and their breath erupted out of their lips like smoke from a chimney.

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