Chapter three

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Yn stirred in her sleep just as she had in that cell earlier today. Except what was beneath her wasn't sheet and a pillow. She tossed and turned before finally deciding to open her eyes and face her future. She squinted at the one light above her, all the rest were out or at least very dim. Yn turned her head to look down the halls around her then looked the other way to see a torso. Black cloth grazed her nose, she looked up to see a pair of greyish blue eyes looking down on her.

Then all of her memory of before she blacked out came rushing back to her like a tsunami would to a city on the coast.

"Good morning, dear Yn. Oh, how I've missed you all these years! I never thought I'd see you again! Not after what happened, I promise I'll never let you go again. I promise, darling," The masked man spoke as if he knew her. How did he know her name? Yn felt her adrenaline kicking in once more. Her breath became erratic along with her heartbeat. She could feel the cold sweat pricking at her forehead and the back of her neck. The man must have noticed this.

"Oh, dear, do you feel alright? Your face looks flushed," His voice seemed genuinely worried as he placed his now ungloved hand on Yn's forehead, "Oh, and you're freezing!"

Yn had been frozen this whole time, or as frozen as she could be with her heavy breathing. The man had his arms wrapped around her already, so all he had to do was pull her closer into a hug. He thought this would help with her temperature, but Yn did not like it. She quickly pushed him away and pulled out of his clutch. She sat a few feet away from him on the floor, she still had that "deer in headlights" look.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Are you going to kill me? Answer me!" Yn screamed, terrified. Her voice was mixed with fear and frustration. The man stayed silent, his hand over his chest. He looked at her through the holes in his mask. Yn couldn't tell the expression on his face because of the mask, but his body language showed pain. Not physical pain, but emotional pain, he looked hurt. Yn didn't care, though. All she wanted was to get away and maybe some answers to her questions.

"What...What do you mean? What do you mean who am I? You know who I am! You must know! Oh, Yn please don't tell me they took your memory!" The man pleaded, he leaned forward, still holding onto his chest. His free hand rested on the ground.

"I mean I don't know who you are!" Yn shouted accusingly. The man's shoulders slumped and he looked away to the side.

The distant sounds of gunfire and screaming was heard again. Yn didn't react, she thought it was normal, and she felt okay with it because since she was promised freedom she thought she wouldn't be hurt. The masked man on the other hand did not take kindly to that, he sat up straight and looked over to Yn. He noticed her attire, and quickly got to his feet. He stepped over to her and held out his hand. Yn flinched and looked at his hand, she decided not to take it. Instead she got to her feet on her own and took a step back. The man seemed a bit let down but let his hand fall back down to his side nonetheless.

"If they see you in those clothes they'll kill you. Follow me, I'll get you some more, stay close," the masked man said and began walking off down a dark hall. Yn stayed planted in her spot. They'll kill me? But she was promised freedom! They wouldn't, right? Besides, how can she trust someone who won't even show his face? Yn thought as she watched him walk away. He turned back to look at her. She thought for another moment before giving in and following him.

They walked for what felt like at least an hour. The halls were quiet, the only sounds other than whitenoise was the occasional scream, occasional gunfire, and the sound of their shoes clopping against the hard floor. The two did not speak the whole time, but Yn stayed close behind him. He often looked back to see if she was still there, not quite trusting his ears to hear her footsteps.

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