Chapter five

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Have this sketch thingy that took me like one minute. He loves you, muah <3

Yn hummed, not quite conscious of it. She held whatever lay next to her closer, feeling the warmth of it against her body. She was practically hugging the object.

Yn was technically awake, but she refused to get up or move, too in love with the warmth that caressed her.

"Yn? Are you awake, dear?" Yn heard the doctor's voice, it seemed to come from in front of her. She hummed and turned away, not wanting to leave her little paradise just yet.

"Yn, you cannot sleep forever," He spoke again, as if he were her mother.

"Watch me," Yn muttered, not sure if she was actually loud enough for him to hear or not. Yn felt the blanket that once enveloped her being pulled off. That was enough to get Yn to open her eyes. She rolled back over to face the doctor, still holding the pillow in her arms. She looked up at him, visibly annoyed. She held the pillow over her nose and mouth, only her eyes shown.

Yn's hair was messy, she had a bedhead, a rather cute one.

"Oh, come on. Get up, you have a whole day ahead of you," Doc stood there with his arms crossed, acting even more like a mother.

"Okay, Mom," Yn groaned and sat up straight, rubbing her eyes and stretching.

"Mom?" Doc questioned, he let his arms rest by his sides now. He was genuinely confused.

"Oh, you know," Yn paused, taking into consideration who she was actually talking to, "Ah, nevermind."

"Does 'Mom' have more than one meaning?"

"Drop it, Doc."

"You brought it up."

"I'm not answering that, Doc."

The doctor crossed his arms, leaning most of his weight on one leg. Yn looked up at him, she was still sitting in the bed.

"Where are we, anyways?" Yn asked, just noticing. She looked around, she saw a sink, a counter, the bed of course, and it was quite dark. Though, there was a small lamp on the counter, it was off.

"This is my room, I know it's rather gloomy, we can leave now if you'd please," Doc looked away from Yn.

"It's not gloomy, just," Yn paused, "calm." The doctor glanced at her, but looked away once again.

"It smells nice, though, Yn breathed in through her nose, "is that lavender?" Yn looked up at him, this time he looked back. He nodded.

"It calms me down when I'm frustrated or stressed," his voice sounded so distant. It did sound like it was right there in the room, but also not. His voice was quite odd, at first it was the slightest bit unnerving, but Yn grew to appreciate these past few days.

"Well, we better get going, I'd like to show you around the facility, if you're okay with it of course," The doctor turned away and took a few steps out the door, but turned his head back to look at Yn. Yn nodded and got up, tossing the pillow back on the bed. She quickly made the bed and caught up with the doctor, who was already walking ahead.

"Are you hungry?" the doctor asked, not looking at Yn, but instead looking ahead of him.

"Kind of," Yn responded, focusing on the feeling in her stomach.

"So it can wait?" the doctor looked at Yn, she looked back, "I'd like to introduce you to some people first. Some people who wear pants." Yn nodded, trusting that it won't take far too long.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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