Chapter four

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Yn sat staring at the wall, as if it were staring back. As if it were entertaining. She never took her eyes off of it, even when she noticed people entering the observing room. She could see them from the corner of her eyes. Well, her one good eye, She unconsciously rubbed her no good eye, running her fingertips across the scarred flesh. She couldn't see anything out of that one, at least while she was alive. When she would just sit there, with no body, just the crown, she found she could only see through the scarred eye. Then making the unscarred one the bad eye in that situation.

She didn't really see them as both bad eyes, she saw them as both good eyes. They just had their usefulness at different times. Yn scratched the wooden seat next to her, not too hard, It was barely noticeable, but she couldn't keep too still.

"SCP- ###, we will be sending someone in to interview you, please comply this time or we may resort to taking your physical form," the voice spoke over the speakers. Yn couldn't tell who it was in specific, she kind of stopped trying to distinguish voices from one another. She just heard them as someone above her barking commands at her as if she were their pet. Their plaything. Yn grunted as she saw the door open and yet another scientist walk in with a clipboard. She had gotten quite tired of this, she refused to talk each time.

"SCP-###, is it?" He asked the question as if that humber were her name. She snapped her head towards him, her eyes narrowing at his.

"Yn, my name is Yn. Stop referring to me with a number!" she snapped, then looked away once more, crossing her arms.

"We only use names for people to cooperate, ###," the speakers rang once more. Yn grumbled at this, hating to hear that number rolling off of each and every one of their tongues. She turned to the interviewer, somewhat complying. He cleared his throat and sat up straight, looking down at his clipboard.

"Do you have any control over who wears your crown? As in, can you reject a body and not overtake it if someone were to wear your crown?" he asked, not genuinely wanting to know the answer, only wanting his job to be over.

"No," Yn responded briefly, wanting to be as simple as possible. The interviewer looked at her for a moment, as if he were waiting for her to go on, but she never did. He continued to the next question.

"Is your crown indestructible? It's a wonder that you've been able to continue this lifestyle without even the slightest scratch to your crown," he added that last part, either wanting to clarify or trying to act as if he were really interested. Yn thought about it for a moment.

"As far as I know, yes," she responded bluntly. She looked down at the clipboard in the interviewer's hands, he turned the page. Damn, waste paper much?

"How long have you been alive? As in your age," he read the next question at the top of the page.

"I don't need such clarification, I am no dunce. As for the answer, I haven't any clue," she was starting to get a bit more talkative, being cooped up in a cell all day does that to you.

"What are your earliest memories, then?" that wasn't a question on the paper, he didn't look down to read it.

"I...I suppose I remember my father and eldest brother. I believe I may have had another older sibling, but I don't remember them. My brother inherited the title as king once my father came of age. After that it was rather blurry, but I know I looked different then. I have a few other memories from around that time but they're too vague to be of any significance," Yn frowned at the mention of her father, even if she was the one who mentioned him.

"What were you and SCP-049 doing together? Why had he not 'cured' you?" He asked yet another question, but Yn had no answer to this one.

"SCP-049? I'm afraid I don't know who or what that is? And what do you mean by cure? I'm not ill, rather healthy I'd say," Yn asked with a baffled look on her face. She leaned forward a bit, intrigued.

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