Chapter two

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Yn rolled around, unable to stay in a peaceful sleep. She rolled onto one side, to the other, then repeated. She stuck out her bottom lip and her brows furrowed together. Finally she found a position she deemed good enough. But then it hit her. It hit her like a train that was silent on its tracks hit a blind man crossing the railroad. She grabbed the sheets beneath her. She didn't remember going to sleep, or even finding a place to sleep. Her eyes shot open and she sat upright.

She was met with the sight of bleak white walls. She was alone, but there was another bed on the other side of the room. The room was quite dull, the light that hung above provided very poor lighting. Yn pulled the blanket off of her and felt her body to see if anything was off. She looked down to see her clothes had been taken and exchanged for clothes. Orange clothes like a prisoner. She could feel her heartbeat increase and cold sweat pricking at her forehead. She felt sick, as if a simple poke at the stomach would cause her to vomit profusely.

"Where am I?" she whimpered, "Where are my clothes? My satchel?"

Suddenly a loud ringing came from somewhere, it seemed to come from everywhere. It sounded like a microphone.

"You are a D-class personnel here at the SCP foundation, ma'am. We took your clothes and satchel, we noticed the weapon in your bag, as well." A voice boomed over what Yn presumed to be a speaker, but where it was she could not tell. Yn looked around to see where the voice could have possibly emitted from, her eyes landed on a large window that connected her room to a smaller room, a room that seemed to be meant for observation.

"Why...Why am I here? What's a D-class?" Yn asked the man she saw on the other side of the glass, taking a few steps toward the window.

"A D-class personnel is someone who has committed a serious crime and the SCP foundation has taken you under our wing. All that we ask of you is that you cooperate with us, you should take orders without any second thought, any failure to comply may result in your death." The voice seemed rather calm and casual considering the things that escaped the man's lips.

"I...Crime? I didn't commit any... well...Is this about the wallet? I guess I did steal it but it can't be that big of a deal! That's insane!" Yn panicked, finding it rather hard to breath. Suddenly feeling the room closing in on her and her world spinning. She stumbled backwards and landed on the bed she had just gotten out of. She held her forehead, trying to calm herself.

"We, erm, We did not know you had stolen anything. You are here because you are responsible for the death of Andrew P. Murphy, and supposedly caused the deaths of his wife and two daughters, Aurora, Stephanie, and Allison Murphy. Since you did not kill hiswife and daughters directly, you were only charged with the murder of Andrew P. Murphy, according to the crime scene they were mauled by a bear." He spoke in that sickeningly calm voice, it was almost as if he had intended to make Yn feel sick.

"Oh...that..." Yn mumbled.

"Also, we are going to need to remove that crown on your head, it could be a potential hazard. We will send someone to come cut the hair that you must have glued it to," He said and got the attention of someone behind him, nodded, said something, and the person began walking somewhere out of sight. Then the door opened and they entered Yn's cell.

"No! Wait! It's part of me, please!" Yn frantically tried to get away from the person with scissors and gloves. They stopped in their tracks, confused.

"Pardon?" They said, their voice sounded masculie, Yn assumed they were male. She had immediately regretted her little outburst. If she had let them kill her she could eventually find another body, and start another life. She held the bridge of her nose, frustrated with herself.

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