The prank.. gone wrong? 😳

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Colby's POV
I was shook! They shouted "kiss" to Sam and I. I glared at him. We have telepathic minds almost. We have it whenever we need it.

Sam* bro what do we do?*
Colby*I dont know! D-do we?*
Sam* ok bro honestly I may be bisexual!*
Colby* I'm happy for you but. THIS MAY NOT BE THE TIME!*
Sam*do we end the prank?*
Colby*if you want..*
Honestly I know he didn't like me but.. he's cute. I kinda wish we kissed.
Sam could tell I was off and uncomfortable, so he ended the prank.

"Well before that we have something else to tell you guys." Sam looked at me to see if I was ready.
The roommates were shocked especially Elton and Corey. As we go to my room to end the video I thought, Sam walks over to my bed and sits down.
"Sam are you ok? Do you want to end the video?" I said worried. We sat in silence for a second.
"I'm just.. -sigh- I dont know.." I go to sit next to him he glares at my for a second. Suddenly our eyes meet. He smiles. *Theres the smile I love 🙂* I thought as I smiled back at him.

"You ready to end the the video?" He said with a smirk. I could feel he wanted to do it quick. But I don't know why. I nod

After we end the video he walks over to the door and pushes it shut.
"S-Sam?" I said stuttering and probably blushing." Yea Colby? He looks back at me?"
I sat there in silence as he walked
to me.*what is Sam doing? I'm really, really lost in his eyes.😍*
Word count: 298

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