⊗ ۰۰۰ When He Confesses |Tim/Masky|

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//Your POV//

Ever since the last chapter, Tim has bee  acting strange..
Whenever he looks at me, there's confusion written all over his face..
I'm a little worried.. I mean, what if I did something and made him upset?

I hope I haven't...
Maybe I should ask him?

//Narrator's POV//

While Y/n was trying to figure out if there may ever have been anything she said or did to get Tim act weird around her, Tim was trying to think of a way to confess to her, worrying what would happen if the feeling wasn't mututal.

What Tim,or anyone really, didn't know was that the feeling infact was mutual.

Y/n has never told it to anyone, but for these past two years, she's been crushing on the ravenette.

She just never wanted to say a thing in the first place, in the fear of ruining their frienship.

The sun was setting.
Tim and Y/n had found a motel from a small town, and this was their third day there.

The motel being fairly cheap, $20 a night, the two had decided they'd stay there for atleast a week or so.

//2nd POV//

You sighed as you were laying on the old, squeakybed of the motel room you had stayed in for the past three days.

You were waiting for Tim to return, since he had gone out to the store and to the pharmacy to get more medicine.

You hadn't noticed it, but you had fallen asleep and hadn't heard Tim come back.

Tim opened the door with his keycard and walked inside with a plastic bag of food and medicine.

He called out to you, yet when you didn't respond, he got oddly worried.

Though that feeling disappeared when he found you asleep on the bed.
He sighed softly, and slightly jumped from surprise as he you suddenly woke up.

He turned away and didn't look at you when you sat up, rubbing your e/c eyes, your h/c hair falling on your face as a mess.

You groaned quietly as you looked at him, faintly frowning when he seemed to avoid you.

You had had enough.
You got up and out of bed, walking over to Tim.

"Tim, I've had enoigh of you trying to avoid me.
If I ever did anything to upset you then please tell me what, and I'm sorry if I did upset you.." You stated.

Tim turned around and looked at you.
Without even thinking, he said "You stole something from me..
Something that I may not find too precious, yet I still need it to survive."

You blinked before shaking your head. "What? I've never stolen anything and I could never take anything of y-" "My heart.. My heart, Y/n.. You stole my heart, and I would like it back, so I could give it to you by myself" Tim cut you off.

you were shocked.
You didn't have words.
Did he actually just say that?
You really hoped this wasn't a dream.

There was a silence, an awkward one between the two of you, before you broke into a soft smile and broke the silence.
"You stole my heart as well.. but I don't want it back, I want you to have it.."

For the first time in ages, you saw him smile as he hugged you, and you hugged him back.

"I'm glad" He whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your apine, yet you softly smiled and chuckled, nodding, keeping him in the gentle, yet meaningful embrace.

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