⊗ ۰۰۰ When You Fight |Alex, Jay/Skully|

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You knew not many people liked Alex for his.. er.. rude? bossy? behaviour, but you still did and when you guys faught, you usually were the one to back down first, not wanting to anger him any more.

Now usually you didn't fight, but today was different.. He was tense, He was nervous and you didn't know why. Hoping you could maybe help him feel better, you were going to ask him about it.

You were at Alex's appartment. Him sitting on the couch, typing away on his computer, while you had been in the kitchen making sandwiches for the two of you. And once you finished, you stretched and headed to the livingroom.

You stood in the doorway for a little while, just watching your boyfriend, before taking a short, deep breath and walking in the livingroom and over to Alex. You stood beside the couch and cleared your throat to get the attention of the boy with glasses.

He didn't budge, it was like he didn't hear you. You rolled your eyes and tried again, this time calling out to him. "Alex?" Still no answer. You sighed and shook your head "Alex is everything ok-" "Just be QUIET will you?! I'm trying to work, and you're not making it any easier Y/N" He snapped at you.

"I just wanted to ask if you were okay.." You muttered. Alex scoffed and turned his piercing brown eyes staring right into you e/c ones "Does it seem like I am? I'm trying to focus but I can't when you're constantly worrying over me. Just fucking shut up and leave me alone!" He half shouted at you.

You frowned and groaned, holding back the slightest tears that were about to fall. You usually didn't cry this easily, but something about Alex's tone just.. just got you scared? no.. you weren't scared, but his words really hurt. And without saying anything, you shot him a glare and turned on your heel and headed to the door.

With a loud slam of the door, you left his appartment. He would be the one to apologise, and knowing how protective your family could be, he'd better do it soon...

Jay/Skully 』

You loved Jay and you knew he loved you, but.. all the time he spent with Alex and the Marble Hornets film project (even if you were in it as well), you couldn't help but to feel a little left out.. and that the project to him was more important than you were.

Currently, you and Jay were at your new appartment, sitting in the middle of the livingroom, surrounded by cardboard boxes filled with your stuff that you hadn't unpacked yet. You moved in just a few days ago and that's why there was so much stuff left to be unpacked.. hell you didn't even have a bed yet so you slept on a futon on the floot.

Anyway.. why you were sitting on the middle of your livingroom, was because you were supposed to practice the lines of your character and Jay had thought that it'd be a good idea to record it, so that you could work on your acting techniques.

A little while later, after you had read through your lines thrice, You sighed and stretched, putting down the script and falling back on the floor, staring up at the cieling. Jay looked at you with a slightly raised eyebrow, "Why'd you stop Y/N? You were don really great" The boy with the name of  a bird asked.

You bit your lip before turning to face him. "Jay, do you love me? You asked, catching him off guard. "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" He said, looking at you in confusion but you dodged the question and turned to look at him. "Am I important to you?" You asked, making him raise an eyebrow but nod "Of course you are! Y/N what's going on?" Worry began to lace the male's voice.

You sighed and looked over to the camera "I feel like.. I'm not as important to you as Alex and Marble Hornets are.. and I know it's stupid because I'm part of the project too but I just.." You trailed off. Jay blinked, he was wondering if he heard you right. He shook his head before scooting closer to you. "Y/N, you are important, truly.. but so is this project and you know it. I know I haven't spent much time with you, but I don't want to let Alex down." 

You looked up at Jay. Did he really just say that?

"But-" Before he could say anything else, you cut him off. Without saying anything, you walked over to the camera, turned it off and grabbed it. You walked back over to Jay and gave him the camera. You had a hurt look on your face. "Take it. Go home and Don't come back until you know what went wrong" You said.

Jay looked at you, took the camera and frowned. "Fine.." 

With that, he left, he left you alone. You sat back down on the floor and leaned against the wall, pulling your legs up to your knees and pressing your head down on them. You just wanted to cry so bad.. and you did.. eventually.

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