⊗ ۰۰۰ ..How Alex Feels About It 2/2

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While the four others were hanging out together, You and Alex were home.

You were chilling on the couch, reading a book, while Alex was typing away on his computer.

A soft sigh left your lips as you just finished reading a chapter and dumped your book on the couch.

"Alexxx, c'monn, You've been typing on that computer for hours noww, give me attention pleasee" you whined.

Alex sighed but basically ignored you.

You gasped and pouted.
Staying quiet for a while before looking at him again.

"Foureyes, look at me" You said.
Alex still didn't notice you, and you rolled your eyes groaning quietly.
"Fine then.." you mumbled, giving him the silent treatment.

Hours passed by like this, the silent room filled with the tapping sound of Alex's keyboard.

Finally, he finished, turned off the computer and put it away.

He then turned to look at you, only to find you already asleep on the couch.

Alex sighed, he really wasn't mad or pissed that he wasn't invited to hang out with the four because he rather stayed here and did that thing that he had to do on his computer.

He gently picked you up bridal style and carried you to his bedroom.

The two of you were at his place, and your parents knew about it so it was okay.

He laid you down on the bed before plopping down on it beside you.

You smiled and chuckled softly as had been sleeping lightly and were awake with your eyes closed.

You turned to your other side, curled up and cuddled up to his side.

He placed his glasses on his nightstand before wrapoing hid arms around you, holding you close, slowly falling asleep..

Moments later, you joined him and fell asleep as well.

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