⊗ ۰۰۰ First Date & First Kiss |Alex|

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Alex didn't really know where to take you on a date, but he also didn't want it to be a traditional "dinner, movie, walk in the park and then take you home" kind of date.

So he decided to take you somewhere different.

First, you went to an aquarium and then shopping, it ending to a dinner in a cafe restaurant.

You had a lot of fun with Alex, just like he had with you.

Though, he did gwt a little jealous when some guys were catcalling you in the mall you went shopping to, yet he dropped the thoughts about beating the guys up with a rock when you took his hand and held it, walking close to him.

He then took you home, or well he walked you home but either way.

Before he had the time to yurn and walk away though, you hugged him, thanking him for the wonderful day.

He assured you that it wasn't a big deal (which you weren't sure if was a good thing or not), and that he enjoyed spending time with you.

He pulled away from the hug and turned around with a small wave, starting to walk away, only to be yanked back by you pulling him from the back of his shirt, and him turning around.

He blinked a few times in confusion, raising an eyebrow, questioning why you wouldn't let him leave.

You only softly chuckled and cut him off by pulling him into a slightly tense, kind of experimental kiss which caught him off guard and just made him stand there.

You faintly frowned as he didn't kiss back (as you would have expected him to do), and began to pull away, only to be pulled right back in by Alex, your lips connected with his again.

A soft smile spread on your lips as you started to gently kiss him back.

Unfortunately, your kiss was cut short as your little brother opened the door, making Alex lose his balance, making him fall and hide into some very near by bushes right before b/n could have seen him.

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