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Knock, Knock, Knock

Repeatedly, someone's fist hit the outside of my door, waiting for a response. My eyes peeled open to meet my alarm clock, it was 6:32am. My room was dark, other than the single ray of sunlight rising in the east. I groaned and shoved my face deeper into the pillow. Hopefully I could drown them out this way, then peacefully fall back asleep.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Jesus Christ Dustin, what do you wa-."

I turned over to not meet Dustin at my door, yet, Billy at my window. He peered in at me with a smirk plastered across his lips, then I watched him bring his wrist to his eye level. He tapped the little watch, what the fuck did he mean? I knitted my brows and shook my head. Glancing over at my clock, I contemplated.

Time. Fuck, forgot bout my car!

It clicked in my head, I remember I had to be ready no later then eight.

Pulling the covers off of myself, I jumped off my bed, my feet meeting the fluffy carpet beneath me and soon the cold tiles below my window. Unlocking my window, I pulled it up a bit, hoping it didn't squeak.

Billy flashed my a grin, before he climbed in and began scanning my room. I stood in-front of him with my arms crossed and a frown settled on my lips. I grunted and glared up at him.

Billy's eyes met mine, scanning my outfit, "nice outfit, princess". I was of course still in my pajamas. A loose t-shirt and sleep shorts. He winked at me again. I snuck him a finger and pressed my finger pressed over my lips. "My parents and brother are asleep, dumbass," I whisper-yelled and poked him in the chest, his body jerked a bit backward. I was doing my best at not flipping my shit on him and wake everyone. Billy just gazed at me with a smirk.

"You better get dressed," he whispered closely to my face. I could smell cigarette on his breath, with a hint of spearmint. I glared at him, before grunting with my arms folded over my chest and walking to my dresser. I began rummaging through the variety of colors, finding a deep blue, with purple and light blue speckled, shirt with suspenders to go along with it. I pulled it out and turned around to see Billy, leaning in between the crook of my bed and the mattress. His tongue slid across his bottom lip in interest.

I scoffed and walked into my bathroom, quickly changing and brushing the wild beast, I call my hair.


Checking over myself in the mirror, my outfit was cute. The shirt was given to me by Eleven. I pulled on the blue straps to the suspenders, leaving a pop noise to echo throughout the bathroom. I cringed, hoping no one heard it.

Gathering my hair into a pony tail, I snatched a scrunching and threw my hair up into a loose pony tail, exiting the bathroom.

Stepping out, a snoozed Billy lie in the covers of my bed. Several strands of hair fell in his face, he gave off light snores and deep breaths. A hand supported his face and his back leant against the headboard of my bed.

The time ticked, it was 7:00. Shit, think fast.

I walked closer to him, hesitating, before tapping his shoulder with my index finger. He stirred a little, shifting his body and bit but, not budging.

"Billy, wake up. It's 7:00, we gotta go."

His eyes fluttered open, he looked at me and wiped his eyes. He sure did look tired.

"Damnit, I need a smoke." His voice was deep and gruffer than usual. Holy shit, his morning voice was sexy though. He sat up, swinging his legs over my bed and placed his palms next to him. He stood, stretching to his full height and extending his arms out, stretching.

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