Chapter 1: The new girl

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Hello, I am Kathryn. This is my first story. I deeply apologize for any grammatical or spelling mistakes you may notice. The truth is that English is not my first language. I hope you like it! Have fun!

Once upon a time, around 2019, there was a huge celebration at Puzzle, the most exciting club in New York City. Teenagers and young adults visited N.Y.C just to go there and for one night, forget who they were. All their responsibilities and worries disappeared as soon as they entered that very club. The cause of that free-drinks after-party was that a new band would hunt every corner and secret spot the place had with its hard-rock music and its wild appearances.

The band was made by five boys known with very characteristic titles: The Bad Boy is the drummer of the group and his real name is Jordan. The Romantic Boy is one of the two members who play electric guitar and his real name is Chris. The Tattoo Boy is the other guitarist and his real name is Matthew or Matt. The Mysterious Boy is the DJ of the group and his real name is Brad. And last but not least, The Fabulous Boy is the main singer of the group and his real name is Alex.

The band knew each other since the day they were born. They practically grew up together. You see... their parents lived in the same building and they were really good friends. Two of the things they did together was having barbeque Sundays and family trips. Throughout all these activities, the five kids got closer. It didn't take them much time to realize that they all loved music and soon, they made their first song which they performed at their high-school boll. The name of their band had changed two times by now. At first they were called Yellow Vipers, but now they've changed it into Hell's Paradise.

They started looking for a new singer but this time they thought of getting a girl in the band, for a change. Not long after the idea hit them, they made a website in which the ones who were interested in applying for the lead singer had to answer some questions. If the boys found their answers up to their expectations they'd send them an e-mail informing them for the time and place the auditions were held. They have, now, been searching for 17 days and they still couldn't find the girl who would surprise them with her voice and stage- moves.

In the center of New York, a young woman with fussy brown hair and sweet, deep emerald eyes lives alone in a small apartment there.

"That's me and my full name is Amelia Cyber. I study rock music and I, also, create my own songs which I upload on YouTube. When I was a little girl, I knew how to play the flute but, now, I prefer playing electric guitar and piano. Not to brag but I have been told many times that I have the voice of an angel. I don't care what type of music I sing as long as I can do so. Imagine my reaction when, after I had answer all the questions in the Hell's Paradise's website, I received a mail saying that I have been chosen to audition. I was filled with happiness followed by stress. I am, now, searching for a song to perform at my audition."

After 3 days filled with anxiousness had passed, it was time for me to perform for the singer's position. That day I woke up early, ate some fruit salad and coffee really quick and then, I put all of my effort on what to wear. I ended up with a pair of black-silver ankle boots and some tight jeans with a dark black belt with silver buckle. I was, also, wearing a strapless, crop-top, pink blouse and on top of it a colorful shirt with small holes on it with the logo D&G. I straighten my curly hair and put on a little make-up. After double locking my apartment, I called a taxi and just in a few minutes I was standing in front of the Triangle, the most famous music recording studio.

As I entered the building, a beautiful, blonde, with hazel eyes woman approached me.

"I am Lilian Janner, are you here for the Hell's Paradise's audition for the new singer position?" she asked me.

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