Chapter 2: Dinner

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Amelia’s P.O.V.

     As soon as I locked the door of my apartment, I noticed that a classy, black limousine was in front of the building I had just walked out from. The boys looked at me with a huge smirk on their faces as I was standing still. I believe that my lips were parted because of how surprised I was at the moment. Matt chuckled and Chris opened the door for me to get in. I nodded smiling, still a little bit shocked.

“What a gentleman” I said as I got in the limousine and, I swear that I saw Chris blushing.

     The boys got in the car really fast. On my right side was Alex and on my left was Brad. In front of me was Chris and next to him was Jordan. Matt said that he would meet us there and took his motorcycle.

“So, where are we going exactly?” I asked breaking the silence.

“Well, that’s a surprise” Alex said playfully.

“I am not really font of surprises”   

“Too bad, then” Jordan said smirking and I grinned.

     The rest of the ride was quiet. A few minutes later, we arrived at a fancy restaurant. Brad rushed out of the limo and held the door open for me. I got out slowly, I didn’t want to trip and make a total fool of myself. As soon as we walked in the restaurant all I could say was:

“Wow! It’s beautiful!”

     The walls were deep red with black-white paintings hanging. There were two big windows across the room showing the hole city. It was filled with round, wooden tables covered with a soft fabric. The instant we walked in, a young girl wearing a black-red-white uniform approached us:

“Table for six” Jordan said and the girl nodded.

     She showed us to the one next to the window so, we could see the whole view. Chris pulled my chair in order for me to sit down. As soon as we all took our place around the table, we looked at the menu and, sadly for me, it was in French. I could not understand a single word.

“You seem lost. Do you want us to order something for you?” Matt asked.

“Sure!” I replied with a huge smile feeling relieved.

     For the next 8 minutes they were talking and nodding to each other until the waiter came and they ordered our meals and some wine. The moment the waiter left, Brad started talking.

“So, we came here to get to know you. Tell us something about yourself.”

“Well, as you know, I studied rock music at college and I create my own songs-”

“With tremendous success I might add. I watched all of your 48 music videos on YouTube. You are absolutely breathtaking” Jordan said and winked at me.

“Continue” Brad said ignoring Jordan’s comment.

“I play electric guitar and piano. I love and sing all kinds of music” I said looking at their faces.

“Well, we already know that stuff. What I meant by asking you to tell us about yourself was telling us more personal stuff” Brad said with a very frustrated expression.

     Before I could answer, Alex took the hint and explained:

“Like, what’s your favorite color?”

“Did you start drinking without us?” Jordan said questioning Alex's soberness.

“I like red and blue” I replied with a smile.

“I love blue” Alex said with excitement in his voice.

“Next, do you have any siblings?” Brad asked me.

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