Chapter 4: Misunderstandings

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I am so sorry for not uploading in a long time. In order to redeem myself, this chapter will be a lot longer than the previous ones. I won't delay you any further, on with the story.

P.S.: Read in the end the author's note, please.

Amelia's P.O.V.

"Starting from tonight, Amelia will be living with you" Rose informed me giving me a mischievous grin.

"Oh my God! I'll go prepare her room and buy some stuff for her. It'll be awesome!" Alex screamed joyfully and with that he left the room practically jumping from his excitement.

"You're so screwed" a small voice in the back of my head said laughing.

"That's not a joke" I schooled.

"Oh, but it is. You see, it'll be you and five super attractive males in the same apartment. You'll see and spend time with them every day...that's the dream..." the voice explained wistfully.

I mentally rolled my eyes and that's when I noticed I've been staring in empty space for more than half a minute. I quickly shook my head and looked at the boys' direction. They all had a huge smirk plastered on their faces as they turned and looked at me. Their eyes were saying one thing and one thing only: It's gonna be FUN! "It is NOT" I thought.

And then, I said the worst thing I could ever say... Literally, if I could go back in time and replace my answer, I would no second thoughts.

"What? I can't live with them."

I regretted saying it the moment the words came out of my mouth. Because what followed next was worse than I could possibly imagine.

"I mean-" I was about to explain myself when the four boys from super attractive males they became gorgeous drama kings...

"No, you don't need to explain yourself. It's pretty obvious you do not trust us enough in order to share an apartment with us" Matt spat while Jordan clenched and unclenched his fists over and over.

"That's not what I meant, it is just the fact-" I tried talking them out of it when I was interrupted again...

"Why don't you just quit the group since you clearly hate seeing us" Chris spat. I'd never thought of seeing him talking to anyone like that. He has always been so sweet and shy.

"Guys, relax! Chill, I never said I hate you" it sounded better in my head than when I said it out loud.

"You may not hate us but its not like you like us either!" Jordan almost screamed taking a step towards me. I took a small step back because he kind of scared me when he was angry. And let me tell you, he was FURIOUS!

"Of course and I like you, guys" I tried to reason with them only to make things worse.

"Well, you don't only like me... If I recall correctly" Brad said emphasizing on the words only and me.

"He did not" the voice in my head cried.

"Amelia, what is Brad talking about?" Chris asked, looking scared for what my answer could be.

"Well...-" I started not knowing what to say.

"What I mean is that Amelia and I went out for lunch earlier and she could not resist" Brad stated smirking devilishly at me.

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