Chapter 3: Time with Brad

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Brad's P.O.V.

"I saw your YouTube videos and they are really good... But! They should be taken down immediately" Rose commanded.

"What?" Amelia yelled frustrated.

I could see she was angry. Suddenly I noticed a tear had slipped down her cheek and I could see the frustration and sadness those words caused her. She wouldn't go through any pain, not on my watch. I had to do something.

"Now that you are a part of Hell's Paradise's group, those videos you created on your own can ruin the band's general image. I, as the manager of the group, cannot and will not allow that. Hell's Paradise's music is made by them, they are professionals and it's not even close to be compared to your pathetic, childish, amateurish music." Rose explained calmly but determined.

Amelia was about to burst out in tears and Alex gasped. Surely, these videos mean the world to her and I will not sit here and watch her break into pieces. I noticed that Matt was about to yell back at Rose and Chris's fists harden. I felt weird when I saw Jordan grabbing Amelia's hand and started rubbing it in order to show her comfort. I wanted to break every little bone in his arm but I held back my anger and started thinking. No more than 4 seconds had passed since Rose had told Amelia and, then, it hit me like a slap in the back of my head.

"Or, instead of taking down her videos, we could buy the rights and make them our own" as soon as I said that, everyone turned their heads and looked at me confused. Except from Amelia, she looked straight in my eyes full of hope and curiosity.

"Oh, Brad. I don't think-" Rose was about to say but I interrupted her.

"Listen to me. We could adjust the rhythm of her songs so it can fulfill our music profile and we could, also, perform them on our concerts and make videoclips. If we do this, we will not have to make her music disappear but we will promote her songs to our fans" I explained full of confidence.

"That's a great idea, man!" Jordan let go of Amelia's hand and tapped my shoulder bro-style.

I felt relieved that he let her hand breath and all of the guys gave me a smile and fist-bump. Lastly, Amelia pressed her body to mine wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Thank you so much" she said breathing heavily.

I felt warm blood rushing through my cheeks and I knew that they had just become dark red. I, immediately, hugged her back with my one hand around her small waist. The other rested its fingers between her soft, fussy, brown hair. I didn't understand for how long she was in my embrace and neither did she. She pulled back when she heard Rose coughing.

Amelia's P.O.V.

After a while, Matt, Alex, Chris and Jordan went to our house to prepare something for them to eat. The next two hours passed with me, Brad and Rose chatting about my songs and in the end they bought the rights and made copies of the music and the lyrics for the whole band. The two of us left Rose's office and started walking towards the car.

"Again thank you so much for what you did today. You have no idea what these videos mean to me."

"It's fine, really. Don't worry about it. But... answer me this. Why are these songs so important to you?" Brad asked me and I looked at my feet not wanting to answer.

"Look, I am not asking you because I am curious or nosy. I saw that you were about to cry back there and I had to do something for it" Brad said with a sweet voice that made me melt as I lifted my head to look at his eyes.

"How about I tell you over a burger and Coca-Cola?" I asked Brad smiling.

The truth is that I was starving, I hadn't eaten anything all day. He hesitated for a few seconds but, then, he smiled and hooped in his car giving me a sign to get in, too.

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