Chapter 5: Sorry, I can't do this

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Brad's P.O.V.

I was woken up by Jordan and Chris shaking me and shouting at me. I heard some mumbled noises like: "What the hell, bro?" or "Who's the chick, man?".

"Shut up... too loud" I whispered.

"What happened? Where were you?" Chris asked while throwing me a shirt.

"Why am I not wearing a shirt?" I asked looking the guys confused "Fuck, where are my trousers?"

"Boys, why am I naked?" I yelled but not soon after I regretted it because of the headache it caused me.

"Why should we know? And, who's the chick?" Jordan half-whispered.

"What chick? Oh! That's Kate."

"THE Kate!" they both cried shocked.

"Yeah, our childhood B.F.F. Kate" I assured them.

"How could you sleep with our friend, you bast-" Chris smacked the back of my head but got interrupted by, who else, Kate.

"We did not have sex, you morons. Or, at least, I hope we didn't" she stated confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I faked being heartbroken by placing both my hands on my heart.

"Oh, shove it" she replied cockily and got up quickly while I sat there smirking to myself.

"What happened last night, man?" Jordan questioned me, almost demanding an answer.


"You know that Amelia was the one who found you here half-naked?" Chris asked but it sounded more like a statement.

Shit! I thought to myself but on the other hand why should I even care? She literally denied my feelings towards her and to top that she rejected ME. Of all people, she found the one guy who no girl ever thought of rejecting and SHE did. She got to have guts. I mean I am rich as f- and now I am blabbering. Real smooth Brad just go for it.

But, again, I shouldn't give a damn about her because she clearly doesn't. I still remember her face when Rose told her that she will be living with us. I was so happy and so were the others too. I was snapped from my thoughts when Chris and Jordan...

"Yeah...and, then, she stormed in the kitchen with Alex and Matt so they could help her make breakfast for all of us as she promised earlier" Jordan explained.

"Why, guys?" I asked, feeling betrayal hovering me.

"What why?" Chris asked confused witch made me angrier.

"Why aren't you mad at her?"

I immediately knew that something happened because Jordan and Chris's faces softened due to the fact they understood that I was talking about Amelia. They explained everything that happened while I was...well, not there. They told about the whole "I am sorry" surprise-party thing and I felt like I was hit by a school bus filled with overweighted children.

"So... yeah, we forgave her and so should you" Chris mumbled feeling the awkwardness which surrounded the three of us after discussing this delicate subject.

I nodded regretting everything that I said and did last night. Last night...every second that passes right now I get flashbacks of what happened yesterday. And, unfortunately, all the pieces are now in my head connected with one another.

"Now, what the fuck happened last night?" Chris asked changing the topic.

"Yeah...where were you? Why is Katherine here with you?" Alex asked frustrated.

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