-Chapter 3-

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"...This is Mrs. Bowen everyone. She is going to be your teacher for the rest of the year. Are you guys excited?" The millions of questions every five year old asked after that was plentiful. Thankfully, Mr. Weist made it safely out of the classroom. All fifteen students were definitely an earful. After I managed to calm them all down, I looked in the lesson book the sub had and it was no pain to start where she had left off. They were on the letter E this week and my expertise in teaching gave me all kinds of fun and games to play.

The day had went smoothly and by the time the last bell rang, I was still in an energetic and happy mood. All of my students lined up at the door with their backpacks on.

Once we were out in the front of the school one by one parents came to get their children. I was down to my last student, a black haired, ponytailed girl that tugged on my dress. She had been rather quiet throughout the day but I did learn that her name was Mia. "Mrs. Bowen? How come we have the same last name?" She asked me when I smiled down at her. I frowned instantly...I must not have noticed. Of course I didn't plan on going over my roster until tonight at home.

"I don't know sweety, that is a bit strange. How about we ask your mother when she gets here?" I suggested with a smile and it was her turn to frown up at me.

"Oh no, I don't have a mommy." Mia shook her head and looked at the ground. I had no idea what to think until she lifted her gaze and in an instant her eyes widened, happiness became her. "Daddy, Daddy!" She started to jump up and down. When she let go of my hand she ran and my eyes followed her. There had only been two times in my entire life that a hole had been punched into my gut, and not literally; once when my baby had past and the other when my father had. This time, thankfully, no one had died.

It took me several seconds to take in all of the information. The same man that I had yelled at Saturday morning in my mothers kitchen was bending down to scoop the little girl up into his arms.

What. The. Fuck.

"Daddy, I got a new teacher and guess what? Her name is like ours!" I adored how happy she sounded but dreaded the way I was feeling, the way Dean frowned when he made it to me and sat the little girl down. How? When? What in the fuck was going on? This had to be a joke.

"Peyton? I didn't realize you got a job here." Dean said and it felt like he was talking to me through a tunnel. I looked away and ran my hands through my hair.

"Um yea. Yea. I have to go." My hand literally clawed at my chest as I turned around and started back to the entrance of the school. I'm not sure if I heard Dean call my name or not but I didn't really give a shit. I was surprised that I made it back to my classroom before I totally freaked out.

I couldn't breath as I locked the door behind me and then slid down the wood until I was sitting against it. Tears blurred my vision, pretty sure I wasn't to quiet while I cried. I cried for so long it seemed. This was so not fucking fair.


My first stop on the way home was the liquor store. I so needed some wine. A whole bottle to be precise. My mom wouldn't be home until later in the evening. She did palates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I really needed a hobby if I was gonna survive in this town.

Once I kicked my shoes off, got comfortable on the couch with my folders from school and a glass of wine, I started with my agenda for the next two weeks. Planning games, assessments and even prizes a student of the week. I enjoyed the silence and I wanted to stay busy but there was no denying the lingering ache in my chest.

My brain kept getting distracted. Mia Bowen. My husbands daughter. And everyone didn't even bother to mention her in the last five fucking years? Had to give it to them all, that was one big ass secret to keep.

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