-Chapter 4-

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It was so strange to be inside of the house that I had packed a bag from five years ago before running for the hills. And all because of the man that stood beside me in the living room. The house was completely remodeled and I was thankful for the change. I didn't want to drift too far into the past because all that would bring was pain.

"I can put those in the kitchen. Do you want a drink?" Dean offered up after we just stood there for a few minutes. All of a sudden I was regretting my decision to come here. I could have just waited for Monday and brought the cookies for the whole class-save a special one for little girl I had broken a promise to.

"Sure." Sure. Who was I kidding? I was here because I needed to set a few things straight with Dean. He took the platter from me then and disappeared into the kitchen that I had once danced around in, making our dinners. I took the time to look around the living room. Everything had been so upgraded. The pictures of Mia and Dean that hung made me smile. I wondered about her mother but figured that was a discussion for another time.

"Here." I was at the mantle when I turned to find him standing close by with a glass of wine and surely something stronger for himself. I took the glass without hesitation. The silence that stretched between us was nearly unbearable, as I sipped the cool, delicious alcohol.

"I think things should just be taken one day at a time. And I also think it's best to not involve Mia. I like being her teacher." I finally said after I was nearly done with my drink.

"I agree." Did he? I looked away from him and wondered then what the rest of the house looked like now. Then I had to remind myself that I wasn't here for a tour. The pictures on the mantle had my full attention again. I knew that the smart thing to do right now, was to leave. I nearly jumped out of my own skin when his voice came from close behind me. I hadn't even heard him move. "I want to make things right, Peyton and I'm going to do everything in my power to accomplish that."

I closed my eyes, tried real hard not to notice how his breath was hot against my neck or the way his cologne smelt. Then I wondered how he could possibly make cheating and the pain of losing a baby 'right'. I wanted to turn around and scream at him...nothing was going to make that right. When I felt his hand hot on my waist I felt as if I would lose it all.

I wanted to fight him when he turned me to face him. My heart swelled as I met his beryl gaze and he took my face into his hands. If I let him have it his way, I would be falling into his arms and I just could not emotionally afford that. Not yet. "I love you, Peyton. I always have and I'm sorry that I was such a horrible husband." It was obvious how genuine those words were. I couldn't bring myself to move away when he leaned down and kissed me. And damn did he know how to kiss. I wanted to fall into his embrace...to accept him but my entire body stiffened-all for my mouth that was stupidly kissing him back.

For a moment everything was forgotten and I wished it could stay forgotten but things weren't that easy. My throat swelled and it felt like my chest had been punched; suddenly wheeling my brain to think about all of the hurt I had endured, I pushed him away. The wine glass slipped from my hand and shattered at our feet. I hated that a sob left me.

And when I rushed passed him and headed for the door he didn't stop me. I was running, something I was good at.


I'd come to my senses in the next week. I'd had time to think...about everything. And it had all came down to one thing; Dean was no good for me. I'd figured it all out. In a moment that I had been vulnerable, he had managed to slip through the barriers I had built for a long freakin time now. Years. He had managed to suck me back in time with his charm and attraction and very obviously the kiss we had shared. It'd only lasted twenty seconds but I'd let my guard down. I'd been stupid to think for even a moment that things could be mended. Dean needed more than I could give him.

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