-Chapter 8-

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The look that Rylee was giving me could be perfectly described as disbelief. She'd been bouncing Brook on her lap and had stopped all of a sudden when I'd told her about that tiny little pregnancy scare between Dean and myself. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I demanded, finally when I shifted under her censorious stare. Was she my best friend or was she my mother?

"What are you doing, Peyton?" 

"I know, it's careless behavior-" 

"It's reckless behavior." She scathed, rolling her eyes. I seemed to know where this was going and if she reminded me of the past I'd had to endure with Dean, I was going to freak. 

"I thought I could tell you this because you're my friend but you're kinda being a bitch, Ry." I pointed out and she gave me a 'You did not just say that' look before she stood up, shifting the little girl to her hip.

"Is it so bad for me not to want you to get hurt by him again, Peyton? You're not the only one who lost something, I lost you back then and I don't-" I shot up then so that we were on the same level and glared at her. 

I was aware that we were at a child's birthday party and causing a scene would be disrespecting Mia, so I kept my voice low. Low but stern, "Don't even go there. Lose a child and then we can come back to this conversation and compare." If she hadn't of been holding her daughter, the words would have left my mouth in a far more fowl manner. Rylee just stared at me blankly before she shook her head and walked away. 

I scowled across the small room at the diagram of a pregnant woman's womb as I thought about the argument I'd had with Rylee yesterday. I was confused; if she truly harbored hate for him, why hadn't she told me about Mia while I was away? She'd been right about me biting anyone's head off who brought him up in a conversation but she could have sent a text or even a fucking email.   

I was over it; didn't even want to think about it anymore. Rylee could get over herself. I was probably making a huge mistake, sure, but I was an adult. Before I could infect my brain anymore with it, the door came open and the doctor strolled in with her nurse. She was young, almost beautiful and she looked extra smart with her glasses on and her back straight. At least if Dean fucked up again, there wouldn't be a baby in the mix. 

"...I'm going to numb the area where the implant will be inserted. It's completely painless and this birth control will be good for three years..." I listened to the doctor and couldn't help thinking what a shitstorm my emotions would have been like if that test had been positive. And it would have had nothing to do with hormones. 

She was right, the only pain came from the numbing needle. It was quick...and now there would be no more little 'inconveniences' to worry ourselves with. As I was leaving the clinic, I considered calling my friend to propose lunch where we could talk about things in a more appropriate place and more civil matter... 

The thought flew out the window...my heart-rate sky rocketed when I neared my car and stopped. Salona. She was standing there, several feet away and I'd been so in my head that I hadn't noticed her sooner. Unlike last time, her hair seemed cleaner, her clothes less baggy and she might have passed for a responsible human being...but she was high. Of course. 

We just stared at one another for what seemed like ages. Why was she here? To cause another scene? I dared her...this time there wasn't a child here. It was just her and I. "Peyton-" Salona started but she barely got the word out. 

"What do you want, Salona?" Mia? It was the only thing I could think of. She didn't know me. Tears swelled in her eyes and even though it was a warm day for October, she pulled the sweater she had on, tighter. She was brave...had she forgotten that her ex had held a gun to her head just a few weeks ago? 

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