-Chapter 10-

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-Five Years Earlier-


How many hours had I been waiting now? I should know...I'd been counting like some dumb wife who wanted to pretend she didn't know what her husband was out doing. I rubbed at my temples and let the 'dizzy' feeling I had, pass.  He'd done it again, my husband. Missed dinner again. I wasn't exactly surprised...unappreciated was a better term.  I'd cooked a feast, bought expensive wine and even decorated the breakfast table with a cloth and some flowers. The centerpiece had been a red candle. I'd checked the time and right at eight thirty-the time he had promised he would be home-I had set the table and waited....and waited. By nine I opened the wine up, poured a glass

If only a late man were my only worries...After one glass, came the third and I nearly had forgotten about Dean off numbing that pain. That pain. Our son. Comfortably drunk, I stood in the hallway after opening the door to the nursery and just stood there; stared at all of his things that he would never get to use because he was cold...laid to rest. That week after everything and the memorial had been pure hell. I was stupid to convince myself that things were getting better...

I knew better.

Tears stung my eyes and my throat swelled as I drank the final glass from the the bottle and soaked in a hot bath. It was almost eleven now. No call...no text. I wish that crying wasn't a part of my daily life now. I could always go back to the fridge and pull out my favorite, less expensive wine...It was Rose, high percentage. I decided against it as I leaned forward and unplugged the drain. I just wanted to go to bed.

I got out, dried with a towel and when I was pulling my short, silk robe on the bathroom door opened. Ah, he was home. Dean was tall and handsome...very much so that he caught everyone's eye. His hair was cut and styled perfectly, the color of a raven...his beard trimmed and long and I loved his eyes. He was strong and fit...the perfect example of how he thought a cop should be. "I'm sorry," He said as I hung the towel to dry.

Was he? ...to be with her? Whoever her was. I didn't know that in the weeks following ,this was going to be one of his last 'I'm  sorry's' .  "I hope you enjoyed yourself, at least." I said and pushed passed him. Our bedroom was down the hall and it was lovely; we had a big bed and a huge walk-in closet. In the mornings I threw the curtains open to the huge window that overlooked country side. 

Dean followed me. "What's that supposed to mean, huh?" He demanded. I rolled my eyes as I reached our bedroom and crossed the room, feet sinking into the thick, plush carpet.

"You know what it fucking means." That's all I would say on the matter. I pulled the blankets back and then crawled into bed. And I was glad that he didn't feel like arguing tonight. A few minutes later I heard the shower come on. I was glad that he would let me breathe tonight...I couldn't take the blame from him any longer. 

Again, I wished that this was my only worry in life. It happened every night, when I got into bed and tried to fall asleep. The shit with Dean didn't matter. I had things in my heart that I didn't know if I would ever be in peace with. The loss of our child. 

The night air was chilly...I remembered the night in particular, only because after that night, Dean had truly stopped pretending like he was sorry.  At first it was one or two hours late coming home from night shift...and then it was four or five...twenty four. Days? The scent of a woman on his uniform...the marks of her mouth on his neck. Eventually, the look in his eyes that he had been satiated. 

It'd been sickening. The ultimate betrayal...and here I thought we could carry on a 'no strings attached' affair. Even though it was still early in the night, my mind was exhausted. The walk from the fair grounds to my house was a good thirty minutes. It wasn't until I was up my porch steps and unlocking the door that I heard the low growling idle of a vehicle. That same pickup...certainly the same male behind the wheel who had helped me with my flat tire. 

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