-Chapter 6-

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"God damn, I'm starving." Clark Aoki, my partner, sat across the office from me behind his own desk and tossed a rubber stress ball into the air over and over again. Truth was, he was about to drive me fucking insane. That's how I felt about everyone for the past few days. I didn't reply to that, I just glowered off into space and wished that Cassie-our Forensic Analyst- would hurry and come back with the tox screen on our murdered, teenage victim. 

The original results had been lost somewhere. Fucking bummer. During the autopsy, track marks had been obvious on the victims arms. But she had no scars to indicate she'd been using for a long period of time. 

As if he couldn't stand it a second more, Clark stood up, pushing his chair back. "I'm going to the vending machines. Want anything?" He stopped at the door and asked. Normally I would have jumped on the offer but I had no appetite. 

"Nah, I'm good. Go ahead." He shrugged and was gone in a second. I was left alone listening to the fan whirring above. I thought about calling Cassie's direct line but didn't. She would be here when she got here. So I leaned back in my office chair, crossed my ankles over the stop of my desk and closed my eyes. 

Like every time they were closed; all I could see or think about was Peyton. I'd not expected her to ask about Mia's mother. Hadn't expected her to be so pissed off about me having to work with Cassie Warwick. Well, maybe if you would have...Yea, kept it behind the zipper then she wouldn't have had a reason to be upset. I could see the doubt and hesitation in her eyes every time I was around her so I figured giving her a few days was a great idea. 

I'd also been thinking of Salona more than I should have been. The anger that I had for the vessel that had grown and birthed my daughter only seemed to grow hotter and hotter everyday. More so in the passed few days since Peyton was wondering about her. It was safe to keep her in the back of my mind where she belonged. I tried not to venture into the parts of town where I knew she would be hanging around. 

The truth was; Salona hadn't always been a junkie. Not in the first few months anyway.  There'd been a time where I had thought about sending Peyton papers for divorce so that I could remarry. When her drug abuse had started she'd hid it from me quite well...until smoking it wasn't enough so she resorted to a needle. I'd fought with her. Had almost had her out the front door before she announced her pregnancy. Didn't that just send me spinning. 

I'd almost suggested abortion but I didn't have the guts to say it out loud. So we came to an agreement, one she quickly broke when the craving for drugs became too much. The first time she stuck herself with my child inside of her had been it. Surely locking her up had been illegal as all hell but I couldn't emotionally afford to lose another child. 

The loss between my wife and I had been natural. If Salona would have lost my daughter because of her addiction, I would have killed her. The moment she had Mia, she was out of the hospital and then her life on the streets began. Whatever rocked her strung out boat. Mia was better off without her. 

The soft knock that interrupted my thoughts had me opening my eyes. Cassie was standing in my office, and she smiled over at me when our eyes met. And then there was her; someone to just stick my cock in...no strings attached. Our rendezvous had not ended after Peyton had left town. "I have your results." She waved the manila folder and came to my desk. Her hips swayed to forcefully. The red lipstick was way too much. 

I was surprised when she took a seat across from me and sat the folder in front of me. "Thanks." I grumbled, considering waiting for Clark to return. Fuck it. Cassie leaned back in the chair and examined her nails as I took the paper out and read the report. The amount of heroin found in her system had been lethal but it hadn't been what killed her. Which meant we were searching in all the wrong places. 

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