I Think We Need To Talk About Some Things

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"Hunter, we have to talk about this." 

"Why do you have to be such a buzz-kill babe?" he snapped, taking his hand off her breast and sliding off of her. 

She covered herself with the sheet so he'd pay attention to what she had to say, and watched as he stood and pulled on his boxers. "You know we have to talk about it. Why don't you want to?"

He ran a hand through his tussled hair, undoing all the tangles she'd put in it in the last few hours. 

"It scares me, Frankie. I am terrified, okay? Is that what you want to hear?"

Francesca Rallescendo widened her eyes. He was scared? What, like she wasn't? 

"Hunter Hayes, you listen to me! You have no right to be scared. I've given you absolutely no reason to be. If anyone should be scared, it's me! I mean, come on! I'm the one who has to do it for fuck's sake! Don't you know how fucking terrifying this is? All the risk involved, and you have the right so say you're scared? No!"

Hunter just stared at her as she ranted, leaning against he armoire and giving her sad, dead eyes.

"But I am scared, Frankie. This is not something that normal people do, and I can't lose you again. What if you do this, and you decide I'm not good enough anymore? What if I let you start this venture, and we grow so far apart that we can't close the gap anymore? I don't like the idea of coming home to you and having you be exhausted. I hate the idea of you regretting your choices, of hating your lifestyle. I know we're struggling, but there has to be some other way! You shouldn't have to go back to that. You're better than that."

Frankie sighed. "No, Hunter, I'm not. I did it for years, because that's who I am. That's all I know how to do, and if that's how it needs to be, that's how it needs to be. Hunter, you're brilliant, and you know I believe in your music, but you can't get anywhere with it without some money. I can bring in the kind of money you need. You just have to let me."

She got up, tucking the sheet under her armpits and wrapping her arms around his waist. "I love you. I promise that's not something I'll say to anyone else. Not ever."

His arms restricted around her as well, and his hands drifted down to her lower back. "Just let me think about it some more, okay? I can't handle the thought of it for too long."

Frankie sighed again, but nodded into his chest. "Okay, Hunter."

It didn't matter what he said. She'd already done it, and she couldn't stop now. 

Intrigue, mystique! Let's see what happens shall we? Anybody have a clue what they're talking about? xD 

Haha, thanks for reading!

What I Wouldn't Do (Hunter Hayes - Rated R)Where stories live. Discover now