Oh, the Happiness

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The next morning, Frankie turned over to find Hunter gone. She crawled out of bed, shuffling into the kitchen and finding a note from him. 


I had to leave absurdly early for the studio. I'll be back later. I love you. 


She threw the note in the trash, making herself a pot of coffee and preparing herself mentally for the day. She didn't have any in-person callers today, just a lot of phone appointments, so, really, she had the whole day to stay in her pajamas and read or watch TV or...well...whatever else she enjoyed doing.

Hmm...what do I like to do?

She poured herself a cup of the coffee and called her first appointment, who was a kinky man who jerked off at work. She rolled her eyes as she talked him through it, hating that she had to drag it out. But she was paid by the minute, so the longer it took him, the more she made, the more Hunter had to spend on his musical potential. 

When she was done with that, she tapped the kitchen counter awkwardly. Now what? She recalled her resolution yesterday to act like things were normal, so, with a sigh, she headed into their bedroom to dress and apply makeup. She felt like it took forever, but it was not even lunchtime when she was done.

"Urgg..." She grumbled, getting up and pacing out of the room. She caught sight of a few boxes in the corner of the tiny living room that hadn't been unpacked yet. "What the hell?" She said, shrugging and heading over to dig through them.

She hadn't ever seen any of the things in these boxes, since they all belonged to Hunter. She hadn't owned a thing in the world when they'd met, and everything she had now had been purchased little by little over their months together, or handed down from Hunter's charitable female relatives. She couldn't help but wonder if they'd have been so willing to give their clothes away if they'd known a prostitute would be wearing them.

She sighed, shoving aside a layer of packing peanuts to reveal a record player. Suddenly excited, she pulled it out and hooked it up. She went over to Hunter's rack and picked out her favorite: a beaten up copy of Frank Sinatra's greatest hits. She let the needle fall into place and listened with almost genuine happiness as "I Won't Dance" filtered through the silence. She half smiled, thinking, damn. I forgot how good this sounds.

It took her all day to get through the boxes, mostly because she kept getting distracted by the contents or the music or a customer calling. She was sitting in front of the last box, flipping through a family photo album she'd found, sipping on a glass of wine, when she heard Hunter get home. She steeled herself to act like it was just a normal day, one she hadn't spent half of talking dirty to random men she'd never met.

With that in mind, she turned her head to him as he paused in the doorway, looking curiously through the open door. "Hey, babe," she said, feeling as though she were over acting. " How was your day?"

Hunter set his guitar down and came over to sit behind her, one leg on either side of her body. He wrapped his arms around her waist and breathed in the scent of her perfume. "I missed you."

She giggled. "I missed you too. But I have been looking through your stuff." He kissed her temple, feeling as though things between them were.. almost natural again. Damn that felt good. But why all of a sudden? She was giggling and listening to his records and she got dressed today and everything! Did he dare to hope...? No, he wouldn't ask. She'd only get mad.

Instead, he laughed, looking over her shoulder at the photos of him as a child. "Yea, I see you're enthralled with my baby pictures." He leaned down to rake his nose against the skin of her neck, making her shiver a bit. He took her glass of wine and swallowed a little of the cherry colored liquid.

"I'm more enthralled with present day you," she replied, running her hands over his calves.

"That so?" he asked letting his hand move down to rest on her thigh. Then he started singing in her ear, along with Sinatra's voice, "when you arouse the need in me, my heart says, 'yes indeed' in me. 'Proceed with what you're leading me to.'"

She turned around and pressed him back onto the carpet, and did exactly that, all the while thinking, did he buy it? Does he believe me?

Thanks for reading! check out my imagines and leave me some feedback! Thanks again!

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