A New Taste

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I'd say Merry Christmas, but I'm a scrooge. :P I'm also very cynical about Thanksgiving. Anyway, thanks for reading.

He was gone. He had been gone for a week. Frankie missed him.

She wrapped her palms around her still steaming cup of coffee and sighed. She had promised Hunter that she would stop. She had, but now she had no idea what to do with her time. The threat from Marine was still fresh in her mind, and she was not comfortable with leaving the house for extended periods of time. 

He had called her at an ungodly hour that morning, and she had listened to the voice mail he'd left her about a thousand times. It wasn't quite the same, though. She missed him: his arms around her, his lips on her skin. She couldn't help but wonder what he was finding out there...who he was finding out there. 


Hunter checked his phone again. Still no call from Frankie. No texts, nothing. He hadn't heard from her, and he was worried. She had promised him that she would stop prostituting herself, but what if she hadn't? What if she was at their house right now, fucking some guy in his bed?

He pulled out his phone and texted her again. He knew he was being clingy, but he missed her so much. He could barely stand this damned separation. He wished he had taken her with him, but it was too late now. What was he going to do for two more months? It was going to be torture. 

He swept through the back door, and was met with the screaming fans he hadn't even known knew his name. "Hunter! HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER!" They shouted. It almost hurt his ears, but it was so great to have fans that he didn't care.

"Hey guys!" He called, moving over to sign their notepads and phone cases and hands and foreheads. He passed out hugs, missing his favorite pair of arms. 

"Hunter, do you think I could kiss you?" one of the girls said, batting her cute eyelashes. He laughed, but wasn't sure how to respond.

Without letting him answer, she jumped up and planted one straight on his lips. He blushed profusely, stuttered through saying goodbye to them, and jumped back on his bus, cheeks still flaming. 

He ran directly to his bunk and laid down. He checked his phone: Frankie still hadn't answered. Where the fuck was she? What was she doing? How dare she let some other girl kiss him?! She was supposed to be here! She was supposed to hold him and tell him she loved him and let him hold her, and...god, he missed her.

Why do I even feel bad? She fucked twenty or thirty guys a week, and we were together when she did it! Sure, she did it for me...but does that matter?

Yes, it did. And Frankie never allowed anyone to kiss her. Not on the mouth. That was the one rule she abided. Somehow, he felt like the scum of the earth, because someone had taken his mouth. Someone had left their taste where hers should have been. 

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