You Need Me, I Don't Need You

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"Hunter? It's...four o'clock in the morning? Why aren't you asleep?" Frankie rolled over in her bed, rubbing sleep from her eyes and holding her phone to her ear. 

"We were too busy. Frankie?"

"What, Hunter?" She pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling irritable. He hadn't called in two weeks. Two fucking weeks. And now he was calling at four in the morning? What, was she just supposed to wait for him at all hours? 

"She kissed me. I didn't want her to, but she did, and it was on the mouth and I feel so bad. But I am not sorry because you fucked that guy, on the couch, that day. Fran, how could you do that?" Hunter rambled on and on, shouting into the phone, his words slurred. 

Frankie tensed as he insulted her over and over. I knew this was going to happen. It was only a matter of time before he realized what a whore I am. Who was I kidding?

It was obvious to her that Hunter was drunk, but it didn't matter. What he was saying was true. She was a fucking idiot, and she hadn't been pure for a long, long time. She wasn't good enough for him, and it was about time he realized it. 

The hurt in her stomach rose into fury, and she began shouting back, which effectively shut him up for a minute.

"FINE! You don't have to call anymore! And I'm glad she kissed you, Hunter! Maybe now you'll know how it FUCKING FEELS! You don't even know how SHITTY it was! I DID IT FOR YOU! FUCKING YOU!" She broke off, breathing heavily to keep herself from crying, then she said, tensely and with a load of emotion. "I'll start packing. I'll figure something out before you get back, and you'll never have to see me again. This is one whore you won't have to worry about anymore. Goodbye."

"Frankie, wait!" She hung up, slamming the phone onto the side table and pressing her eyes tightly closed. She breathed deeply and then rolled over onto her side. She didn't cry. She had expected this. Instead, she forced herself into sleep, and dreamt of a time when Hunter's lips were only hers, and when he loved every ruined inch of her. 



Hunter pulled to a stop in front of his little house, and looked over at Frankie in the passenger seat. Her lip was caught between her teeth, the bright red of her lipstick rubbing off onto the brilliant white. She eyes the building warily, then turned to catch Hunter's eye.

"Are you nervous?" Hunter asked, taking her hand gingerly.

She looked at him under hooked lids and smiled tensely. "I'm not supposed to say yes. I'm supposed to seduce you, and make you believe I'm real. That I'm not...what I am."

Hunter looked down at their twined hands and smiled a secret smile. 

"What's your name?"  he asked again. She didn't answer, turning her head to the side. He gently gripped her chin and pulled her face back so she was forced to meet his eyes.

"Don't be afraid," he whispered, his mouth only inches from hers. "You can tell me your name."

She gulped. She wasn't supposed to be feelings lust in this moment. She was supposed to be dreading his unwelcome intrusion of her body. She was supposed to hate the filthy look in his detestable blue eyes. But they weren't detestable at all...they were...soft, and kind, and tender, and so, so blue. She was supposed to curse him, for being a loathesome human being who paid for a person's body, who paid for something that was supposed to be romantic and full of love. But he wasn't a loathesome human being at all. He was...just a human. Just a boy, who seemed just as nervous as she.

What I Wouldn't Do (Hunter Hayes - Rated R)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें