Showing me my future, then ripping it away

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   When Natasha woke up, her first thought was that her neck was killing her. Normally, she would have been able to tolerate small aches such as this one. After all, pain was something you numb yourself to when it was inflicted daily by the other girls trying to rip you apart for the madame's entertainment. They never succeeded with Natasha though, because as much as she hated to admit it, Natasha seemed to acquire a sadistic, murderous instinct during her residence with the red room. Try as they might, none of the girls could take Natasha down for more than two seconds before she broke their necks or something equally terrible. Natasha's second observation was that she was strapped down to a table. On top of the neck ache that was afflicting her , Natasha's wrist and feet were cuffed down, and she was in some sort of hospital gown. To her left, a table sat unattended, containing an assortment of sharp objects and materials for stitches, as well as bandages. To her right, computer screens resided beeping occasionally.
      As soon as she had finished observing the room, a tall, pale skinned woman entered the room through a door Natasha hadn't noticed. The woman's hair was as black as night, and her eyes were a unsettling yellow. Upon further inspection, Natasha noticed that they were slits, feline like even. "Hello Natasha." The woman drawled, as if the pair were best friends. Still dazed, Natasha looked at the woman slowly.
"What happened? What do you want from me?" "Oh don't worry, little Natalie". The woman sang. "Everything will be fine." Not feeling at all reassured, Natasha began to panic. Before she could fully get scared the woman, who Natasha now saw had a name tag that read Janice, sauntered forward with confidence, and almost even grace.
      "Shhh Natalie." Janice began. "Don't make me make this even more painful than it's going to be already." Painful? What were they going to do to her? Natasha was petrified. Still because she was ever curious at the time(or ever stupid, who knows, though later in life she would blame the latter).  Slowly saying each word, Natasha asked "what's going to happen to me?" . Janice smirked. "After you're unfortunate, um, incident, Certain measures have to be taken to ensure that history doesn't repeat itself" . Natasha blinked and tilted her head. " What incident?" She asked. Janice grinned even wider. " Oh, that's right. You don't have your vivid memories any more."
Natasha's eyes widened as all her memories came flooding back.

"I love you, my Vivi."

"No! Give her back!"

"Any last words for her?"

"No! Where is she!" Natasha yelled. She tried to escape her bonds, but to no avail. All that she accomplished was wearing herself down while Janice looked on in amusement. "Oh, Natalie. She is long gone. But don't worry. Hydra will raise her well." At the mention of Hydra having her daughter Natasha began to fight even more furiously. They say a mother gains the strength of ten men when she is filled with adrenaline and worry for her child. Natasha? She had the strength of ten homicidal titans.
      Because of this, Natasha was able to rip the chains out of their holds. Unfortunately, Janice saw it coming and used this moment to showcase her previously hidden powers. Using her telekinesis, Janice pinned Natasha back to the table. Taking a piece of leather sitting on the ground, Janice tied Natasha down. "Now. Why don't you be still? Getting hurt is no fun is it? Besides, don't you want to see Viviana?" .
          At the mention of her daughter, Natasha froze. Desperate to see her little girl, Natasha allowed herself to still. Janice smirked, pleased at Natasha's apparent obedience. Janice clicked a few buttons on the computer, then turned it towards Natasha while she watched what looked like a live security feed. In it, she saw a off white room. But that's not what Natasha focused on. In the middle of the room, her daughter was being held in a man's arms. Oddly enough, he was smiling. " He seems to enjoy watching the dreadful creature. If you want her to continue being treated so kindly, you'll do as we say."
      Natasha barely heard her. Her mind was on three things. One, her daughter was being cared for. Two, she recognized the man. She had loved him once.
And three, the man had a metal arm.

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