three: who said pigs don't fly.

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"I'll try to lose him. Shoot from the back." I order Niall who is already grabbing a sniper from the back. I speed up the truck and take a sharp right before my brother crawls up the fairly large sky roof of the car. "Be careful!" I yell from my seat. Niall positions his sniper I suppose and shoots a bullet. I keep an eye on him and the Jeep behind us, making sure my brother will be alright. Another dead empty intersection road approaches and I carefully take the curve left.

"You good?" I ask Niall, hoping he could hear me. "Yeah, I'm-" before Niall could finish, I hear him groan in agony, pain lacing his voice thoroughly. "I got shot!" His voice is distraught and clearly aching. "F*ck, get in!" Niall crawls back in carefully as I ordered and settles himself back in his seat. I take a look at his shot and wince slightly. "Sh*t that's deep. Hold on." I look in my rear view mirror and manage to catch a short glimpse of the Jeep still on our tail before I take the next right. I know this road. I tell myself. "This road is a dead end." Niall warns me, his hand hovering above his wound. The blood drops onto the car and all I can see in my head is aunt Pam.

"I know." This road was blown up by some military base of ADAM's eye basically to cut the road heading to one of the ADAM lab headquarters where they do whatever they do to their human experiments, or so my dad said.

I speed up the car until it reaches its maximum amount of 250 and according to my hopes, the Jeep takes the lane next to me on my left. The window rolls down the exact same time as mine does, revealing both our faces. The guy in the Jeep looks like some possible horror killer out of a Stephen King fiction; scarred, bald, scary... wow he's extremely bald. Reminds me of the pig from the story Charlotte's Web or something. May I suggest using Rogaine? I abruptly interject my thoughts for a moment to not lose focus and I slightly smile at the guy. Mr. Baldy mimics my smirk before raising his pistol and removing the safety.

"Who said pigs couldn't fly?" I said loud enough for him and Niall to hear before pulling the reverse just in time, too quick for what's-his-face before he and his partner finally realizes the dead end, all too late as his scarred, pink, wrinkled chubby face is painted a petrified expression before he and whoever else was in that car plummets to a death of at least thirty feet of empty ground. I don't know, math was never my forte.

"That...was awesome." Niall reminds me that he's still alive as he chuckles quietly, instantly wincing at the pain afterwards.

"Sh*t sorry, I forgot about you." I joke and we both respond in a small fit of laughter. "One second, let me get outta this road." I pull the truck back more and turn around before heading back on the road. Whoever those guys were either were bored and wanted some bloodshed, or they knew us. Who knows why, but Mr. Piggy back there seemed to have been either surprised or glad to witness the existence of me and Niall. The fact that they were even over the borders of ADAM looking for satan knows what was more than troubling.

Something tells me it's not right.

Authors note.

Sorryyyy, short chapter. I didn't know what else to right soo i hope this was to your satisfaction. Sorry if it was a bit boring as I don't really care about the beginning anymore xD Anywaayy, PLEASE UPVOTE AND COMMENT! And SPREAD THE WORD of this book since I'm looking for more readers...yes, I wholeheartedly admit I

So yeaaahhh. Thanks and sorry again for the lame chapter.

Remember...STAY GOLDEN!!!!

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