Lost Contact

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Sorry liveChic792 about all the shoutouts, but her most recent poem really inspired me. Go check it out! It's in a book called "Transpired." I highly recommend it.

Sometimes it's hard,
Difficult to process.

It can be scary,
Scary to be vulnerable.

It's rough,
Rough being open.

Instead of being honest,
I've shut myself away.

I have a hard time,
Talking to people.

My voice gets drowned out,
Except when I'm writing.

They may call me reclusive,
I say it's "being separate".

As writers we're separate,
A member of another world.

Unfortunately, it's hurt me,
Hurt my social life.

I've lost all means of communication,
With my friends and family.

I've shut myself away,
Locked others out.

Is my fear of being judged,
All that important now?

How might I interact with others
In order to make new friends?

How might I share everything,
Even achievements and pains?

I'm so closed off,
It's amazing to me.

I've become a closet poet,
Writing in the dark.

I'm also a closet novelist,
Whom no one knows about.

I've created a fake name,
To fit my fake identity.

I'm so close,
Close to finishing my book.

But no one knows,
That I've written it.

There's no one here,
To celebrate with me.

Because I've pushed them all away,
So that I can write.

This must all be my fault,
A beast of my own creation.

But now I've lost all contact,
Contact with humanity.

I haven't been outside,
Since who can remember when.

I haven't slept,
In longer still.

Don't follow my example,
It'll bring you to ruin.

Learn instead,
Don't follow my mistakes.

Be a real person,
Outside all your writing.

Talk to other people,
Spend time with friends and family.

Don't shut them out,
When they want to help.

But most important,
Don't keep it all to yourself.

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