Chapter 10

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Sakura was currently telling Naruto what exactly the Chunin exams are and me and Sasuke were chatting about red head named Gaara.

"He seemed kinda creepy. And I don't mean scary creepy, I mean just plain creepy." I told Sasuke.

"I know. But I bet he's strong." He replied.

"Well of course he is. Did you see the way those 2 other people reacted to him. It was like they were scared to death of him." I reminded him. "I wanna fight him. Even if its not in the actual exams."

"Good luck." Sasuke said.

"And what's that meant to mean? Are you saying I'm not strong?"

"No. I'm just saying that, that Gaara guy seemed like he could kill anyone with just a click of his fingers." He warned me.

"I know that." I almost yelled. "But still..."

I walked off and went to GI get something to eat. I entered a BBQ type place and spotted...

"Hey look. Its Kino." Choji called out.

Kiba, Shikamaru, Ino, Hinata, Shino and Choji, along with Asuma sensai, were all sitting down enjoying some BBQ beef. My mouth watered at the smell.

"Hey guys!" I called back.

I walked over to their table as Kiba and Shikamaru made room for me to sit. Being the weird person I am, I climbed over another set of seated and sat in between them.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing really. Asuma just invited us all out to eat. Although Choji's the one doing most of that." Shikamaru explained.

I heard a quiet bark and turned to Kiba, and out popped the little dog's head.

"Hey, Akumaru!" I cheerer as I patted his head.

He barked with joy and jumped into my arms.

"Akumaru seems to really like you Kino" Ino pointed out.

"Well he should. It was mine and Kiba's mum who decides to buy him. I was the one who picked him out." I told them.

They all gave me shocked looks. Except Kiba and Shikamaru, who already knew.

They all liked at me to explain. I gave out a sigh and began.

"It was Kiba's 7th birthday and his mum decided it was time for him to get a dog. As all his family does. My mum offered to help with the payment and we were all headed off to the pet store. My mum and Kiba's didn't know what one to get. So they asked me for help. I looked around and spotted a small white and brown dog in the corner. He seemed kinda sad. He was the smallest one there, no one must of thought he was strong. I pointed out to him and at first our mums weren't too sure. But I convinced them. We let him stay in my room until the next day. Kiba eventually came back from training all high with my brother and we let the dog out my room. It ran straight to Kiba and he ended up calling it Akumaru." I told them.

Seriously though. Why ate people so interested in my life. Sometimes I think I say too much.

"So Kino, you wanna join us for lunch? Asuma said he's paying." Kiba offered.

"Well, if its okay with you guys and Asuma then okay." I told them.

"Then what would you like?" Asuma asked me.

"Hmmm..." I thought about it and eventually ordered the no.7. (A steak burger and a 3 strips off BBQ pork.)

I ate it all, this time remembering my manners, and just chatted with everyone. And eventually, when Hinata went to the ladies room, I came our with the question of...

"So do all you guys know that Hinata likes Naruto?"

They all nodded and/ or murmured in agreement.

"Everyone near enough..." Ino said.

"Except Naruto." I finished.

"Yep. I guess that shows just how oblivious Naruto can be."

We all laughed and immediately changed the subject when Hinata came back. After about 30 minutes, someone else entered the BBQ place.

"Hey, Kino!" Sasuke called out.

"What!?" I moaned as I out my head back on the chair so everything seemed upsidedown.

"Kakashi told us to meet him on the bridge." He told me.

"Gah!" I groaned. "Is it really that important?"

"Yes. Now come on"

"Fine. See ya later guys." I said.

I quickly gave Kiba and Shikamaru a quick arm hug and gave Akumaru back. I felt Sasuke glare again and we exited the BBQ place.

That's it! I've had enough!

"Sasuke" I began, as I stopped moving.

"What?" He asked.


"Why, what?"

"Why do you keep acting all offended and glare whenever I'm with Kiba and Shikamaru?"

"Why should you care?"

"Because their my friend! And if you don't like them just tell me!"

"Its not that I don't like them..."

"Then what is it then? Why do keep acting all cold when I'm around them? " I almost yell.

"Its because I..." He stopped.

"Cuz you what?"

"Just drop it. We're making a scene."

I looked around to that there were a few people looking at us weirdly.

"Fine." I said, pushing past him "let's just hurry and get to the bridge"

I walked some distance in front on Sasuke and ignored his yells to slow down.

Why am I doing this? Why is HE doing this? I just don't understand. I'm angry at him, but... I feel like I don't want to be....

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